For website access click on www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/other-committees/committee-on-arms-export-controls/.
The Committees on Arms Export Controls (CAEC) are
the Business, Innovation and Skills, Defence, Foreign Affairs
and International Development committees meeting together to consider
strategic export controls. By convention each component committee
nominates up to four of its participating Members to be Members
of the CAEC. While all Members of the committees are able to participate
in the work of the CAEC, it is expected that those Members who
are nominated will participate.
Stanley, Sir John (Chair from 13.10.10)
Ainsworth, Mr Bob (discharged 10.10.11)
Berger, Luciana (discharged 2.11.10)
Bruce, Malcolm
Burden, Richard
Clark, Katy (added 2.11.10)
Clwyd, Ann (added 11.10.11)
Docherty, Thomas (added 14.9.10)
Donaldson, Mr Jeffrey M.
Gapes, Mike
Glen, John
Holloway, Mr Adam (discharged 14.9.10)
James, Margot
McKechin, Ann (added 24.10.11)
Mordaunt, Penny
Murray, Ian
Ottaway, Richard (discharged 15.11.10)
Sarwar, Anas
Stewart, Bob
Watts, Dave
White, Chris
Zahawi, Nadhim
Overall Attendance:
| Meetings attended
9 out of 9
0 out of 7
1 out of 1
6 out of 9
9 out of 9
7 out of 8
2 out of 2
4 out of 9
2 out of 9
8 out of 9
8 out of 9
0 out of 0
6 out of 9
2 out of 2
6 out of 9
3 out of 9
1 out of 1
5 out of 9
4 out of 9
7 out of 9
8 out of 9
6 out of 9
66.7 %
Members of the Business, Innovation and Skills, Defence, Foreign Affairs or International Development Committees who have attended at least one meeting of the Committees on Arms Export Controls but were not a nominated Member at the time:
Bailey, Mr Adrian
Blomfield, Paul
Clappison, Mr James
McCann, Mr Michael
Osborne, Sandra
Total number of meetings:
| Meetings attended
Of which:
| |
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken
| 4 |
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private
| 0 |
Number of wholly private meetings
| 5 |
Other activities |
Informal meetings (including overseas visitors)
| 4 |
Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during
the Session can be found in the Committee's publications.
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Dr Sibylle Bauers
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet Ministers | 2
Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers)
| 2 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
| 5 |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
| 2 |
Appearances by other witnesses:
| 12 |
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2010-12)
| Date of publication
| Government reply
First Report: Scrutiny of Arms Export Controls (2011): UK Strategic Export Controls Annual Report 2009, Quarterly Reports for 2010, licensing policy and review of export control legislation
| 686 | 5.4.11
| Cm 8079, published 7.7.11
Government replies to Reports for Session 2009-10
Reply to the Committee's First Report: Scrutiny
of Arms Export Controls (2010): UK Strategic Export Controls Annual
Report 2008, Quarterly Reports for 2009, licensing policy and
review of export control legislation, published as Cm 7938
Formal Minutes
The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published
electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available
on the Committee's website at http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/other-committees/committee-on-arms-export-controls/formal-minutes/.
The following Report was debated in Westminster Hall:
First Report, Session 2010-12, Scrutiny of Arms
Export Controls (2011): UK Strategic Export Controls Annual Report
2009, Quarterly Reports for 2010, licensing policy and review
of export control legislation, HC 686, 20.10.11.
Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry
during the Session
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Scrutiny of Arms Export Controls (2011): UK Strategic Export Controls Annual Report 2009, Quarterly Reports for 2010, licensing policy and review of export legislation
| 2 |
Strategic Export Controls
| 2 |
Total | 4