House, Committees of the Whole House, General Committees and Select Committees - Sessional Returns Contents


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The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 12 July 2010.

Begg, Dame Anne (Chair)

Abrahams, Debbie (added 28.6.11)

Baldwin, Harriett

Bingham, Andrew (added 29.11.10)

Bradley, Karen

Buck, Ms Karen (discharged 2.11.10)

Cunningham, Alex (added 2.11.10; discharged 28.6.11)

Curran, Margaret (discharged 2.11.10)

Gilmore, Sheila (added 24.10.11)

Graham, Richard (discharged 29.11.10)

Green, Kate (discharged 24.10.11)

Heald, Mr Oliver

Jackson, Glenda (added 2.11.10)

Javid, Sajid (discharged 29.11.10)

Lewis, Brandon (added 29.11.10)

Lloyd, Stephen

Mahmood, Shabana (discharged 2.11.10)

Pearce, Teresa (added 2.11.10)

Overall Attendance:

Meetings attended

59 out of 67

26 out of 32

60 out of 67

50 out of 55

61 out of 67

4 out of 8

16 out of 27

5 out of 8

21 out of 25

10 out of 12

37 out of 42

49 out of 67

46 out of 59

9 out of 12

37 out of 55

45 out of 67

7 out of 8

41 out of 59

79.1 %

Total number of meetings: 67

Of which:
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken 32
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 0
Number of wholly private meetings 35
Other activities
Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 8


Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee's publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Dr Richard Dorsett, Professor Alan Macgregor, Mr Ian Mulheirn, Professor Steve Wilcox, Mr Alan Woods, and Mr David Yeandle

Oral evidence was given during this Session by the following categories of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:
Cabinet Ministers3
Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 10
Members of the House of Lords 2
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
Department for Work and Pensions 12
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills / Department for Education 1
Public Bodies and Non Ministerial departments:
Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission 2
The Pensions Regulator 1
Appearances by other witnesses: 75

Overseas Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
28.2-4.3.11Wisconsin and New York Begg, Bradley, Green, Heald 3AInquiry into the Work Programme £39,306

A Includes 1 facilitator

Visits to European Institutions
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
7-8.12.10Brussels Begg, Baldwin, Bradley, Green, Heald, Lloyd 3AEU developments within the remit of DWP £6,780

A Includes 1 facilitator

UK Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
20.7.10Department for Work and Pensions, London Begg, Baldwin, Bradley, Buck, Curran, Graham, Green, Heald, Javid, Lloyd, Mahmood 6AInduction briefing Nil
19.10.10Wandsworth Citizens Advice Bureau, London Begg, Baldwin, Bradley, Green 3AInquiry into Changes to Housing Benefit announced in the June 2010 Budget Nil
19.10.10Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, London Begg, Bradley, Graham, Green 2AInquiry into Changes to Housing Benefit announced in the June 2010 Budget Nil
26.10.10Centrepoint, London Begg, Baldwin, Bradley, Green 3AInquiry into Youth Unemployment and the Future Jobs Fund £200
7.3.11Burnley Begg, Baldwin, Bingham, Bradley, Cunningham, Green, Heald, Lloyd, Pearce 4AInquiry into incapacity benefit £3,302
7.6.11Atos centre, Marylebone Begg, Baldwin, Bingham, Bradley, Green, Lloyd, Pearce 3AInquiry into incapacity benefit £107
21.6.11NEST offices (Borough, South London) Begg, Baldwin, Bingham, Bradley, Green, Pearce 3AInquiry into auto-enrolment £15
22.11.11Neath Begg, Abrahams, Bingham, Gilmore 4AInquiry into disability living allowance reform £3,529

A Includes a facilitator

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2010-12) Date of publication Government reply
First Report: Youth Unemployment and the Future Jobs Fund 47221.12.10 Received 24.2.11: published as Fifth Special Report, Session 2010-12
Second Report: Changes to Housing Benefit announced in the June 2010 Budget 46922.12.10 Received 9.3.11: published as Fourth Special Report, Session 2010-12
Third Report: Appointment of the Chair of the Social Security Advisory Committee 9041.4.11 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Appointment of the Chair of the Social Security Advisory Committee 904-II9.5.11 Not applicable
Fourth Report: Work Programme: providers and contracting arrangements 7188.5.11 Received 8.7.11: published as Sixth Special Report, Session 2010-12
Fifth Report: The Government's Proposed Child Maintenance Reforms 1047-I3.7.11 Received 12.12.11: published as Eighth Special Report, Session 2010-12
Oral and Written Evidence: Government's proposed child maintenance reforms 1047-II4.7.11Not applicable
Sixth Report, The role of incapacity benefit reassessment in helping claimants into employment 101526.7.11 Received 7.11.11: published as Seventh Special Report, Session 2010-12
Seventh Report: Government support towards the additional living costs of working-age disabled people 149319.2.12 Awaited
Seventh Report: Government support towards the additional living costs of working-age disabled people (Easy Read version) 19.2.12 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Government support towards the additional living costs of working-age disabled people 19.2.12Not applicable
Eighth Report: Automatic enrolment in workplace pensions and the National Employment Savings Trust 149415.3.12 Awaited
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Automatic enrolment in workplace pensions and the National Employment Savings Trust 15.3.12Not applicable
First Special Report: The Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission and the Child Support Agency's Operational Improvement Plan: Government Response to the Committee's Third Report of Session 2009-10 50721.10.10 Not applicable
Second Special Report: Management and Administration of Contracted Employment Programmes: Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 2009-10 50821.10.10 Not applicable
Third Special Report: Local Housing Allowance: Government Response to the Committee's Fifth Report of Session 2009-10 50921.10.10 Not applicable
Fourth Special Report: Changes to Housing Benefit announced in the June 2010 Budget: Government's response to the Committee's Second Report of Session 2010-12 84510.3.11 Not applicable
Fifth Special Report: Youth Unemployment and the future Jobs Fund: Government Response to the Committee's First Report of Session 2010-12 84414.3.11 Not applicable
Seventh Special Report: The role of incapacity benefit reassessment in helping claimants into employment: Government response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2010-12 164111.11.11 Not applicable
Eighth Special Report: The Government's proposed child maintenance reforms: Government Response to the Committee's Fifth Report of Session 2010-12 172721.12.11 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Work of the Department for Work and Pensions 4682.11.10 Not applicable
Oral and Written evidence: Universal Credit 7437.3.11 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: The Government's pension reforms 84626.4.11 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Remploy 103428.6.11 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Department for Work and Pensions Main Estimate 2010-11 26.7.10 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Department for Work and Pensions Annual Report and Accounts 2010-11 162822.12.11Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence: The Work Programme 190322.3.12Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence: EU Pensions Policy 1911-i29.3.12Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence: EU Pensions Policy 1911-ii27.4.12Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence: Draft Order on the transfer of functions of the Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission 194827.4.12Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2009-10

Reply to the Committee's Third Report: The Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission and the Child Support Agency's Operational Improvement Plan, received 6.10.10 and published as the Committee's First Special Report, Session 2010-12.

Reply to the Committee's Fourth Report: Management and Administration of Contracted Employment Programmes, received 6.10.10 and published as the Committee's Second Special Report, Session 2010-12.

Reply to the Committee's Fifth Report: Local Housing Allowance, received 6.10.10 and published as the Committee's Third Special Report, Session 2010-12.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at

8.2.12One, on the Chair's draft Report on Government support towards the additional living costs of working-age disabled people


The following Report was debated in Westminster Hall:

Second Report, Session 2010-12, Changes to Housing Benefit announced in the June 2010 Budget, HC 469, and the Government response, HC 845, 10.3.11

The following Report and transcript were tagged as being relevant to a debate in the House:

Oral evidence taken on the White Paper on Universal Credit on 26 January and 9 February 2011, and written evidence received, HC 743, 9.3.11

Fifth Report, Session 2010-12, The Government's proposed child maintenance reforms, HC 1047, and the Government response, HC 1727, 1.2.12

Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
Automatic enrolment in workplace pensions and the National Employment Savings Trust 6
Changes to Housing Benefit announced in the June 2010 Budget 2
Child Maintenance2
Departmental annual report and accounts 2010-11 1
Draft Order on the transfer of functions of the Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission 1
EU Pensions Policy 2
Migration to ESA3
The government's pension reforms 1
Pre-appointment hearing for the Chair of the Social Security Advisory Committee 1
Proposal to replace Disability Living Allowance with Personal Independence Payment 3
The Work Programme 1
The Work Programme: providers and contracting arrangements 3
White Paper on Universal Credit 2
Work of the Department for Work and Pensions 1
Youth unemployment and the Future Jobs Fund 2

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Prepared 14 September 2012