1 Select Committee Staff
Details of the staff serving a particular select
committee are set out in their publications.
In many cases, committee staff carry out duties in
the service of the House unrelated to their work for a particular
committee. For some staff, especially those working in offices
other than the Committee Directorate, those duties account for
most of their work. This analysis of the staff who served select
committees during Session 2010-12 is therefore presented office
by office.
Committee Directorate (excluding Scrutiny Unit)
Principal Clerks (SC)* |
5 |
Deputy Principal Clerks (SC Band 1)
| 15 |
Senior Clerks (A2) |
18.6 |
Assistant Clerks (A3) |
6 |
Business Manager (B1)**
| 1 |
Operations Manager (B1)
| 1 |
Senior Executive Officers (B1)
| 3 |
Senior Committee Assistants (B2)
| 23 |
Committee Assistants (C)
| 32.5 |
Committee Support Assistants (D1)
| 8.4 |
NAO Audit Officers on secondment
| 2 |
Specialists (A2) | 9
Committee Specialists/ Inquiry Managers (B1)***
| 23.3 |
Head of Select Committee Media (A1)
| 1 |
Media Officers (B1) |
5 |
Secretaries (C) | 2.9
Sandwich Student | 2
* The Committee Directorate has four Principal Clerks
who have supervisory and management responsibilities. Three of
these performed additional functions as Clerks of Select or Joint
Committees. The Clerk of Committees is Clerk of the Liaison Committee;
one Principal Clerk of Select Committees is the Second Clerk of
the Liaison Committee and Clerk of the Joint Committee on National
Security Strategy.
** Also acts as Senior Committee Assistant to the
Liaison Committee
*** includes some secondees that are not paid for
by the House
Vacancies are not included
Scrutiny Unit
The Scrutiny Unit of the Committee Directorate provides
specialist help to select committees, mainly but not exclusively
in financial scrutiny and the scrutiny of draft legislation. It
provides staff members for joint committees undertaking pre-legislative
scrutiny of draft bills and supports the evidence-taking role
of public bill committees. It has particular expertise in public
expenditure, accountancy and the law, but also does other work
for committees and the House as resources permit. The Unit carried
out 188 tasks for 22 committees in Session 2010-12. It also provided
support to the House Savings Programme, the Library Economic Policy
and Statistics section and the Palace of Westminster refurbishment
The numbers and grades of staff in the Unit as at
1 May 2012 were:
1 Deputy Principal Clerk (SCS 1)
1 Deputy Head of Finance (Band A2)
1 Financial Analyst (Band A2)
2 Specialists on secondment:
1 Financial Analyst on secondment from the
Ministry of Justice (Band A2)
1 Financial Analyst on secondment from the National
Audit Office (Band A2)
1 Statistician (Band A2)
1 Legal Specialist (Band B2)
1 Senior Committee Assistant (Band B1)
2 Committee Assistants (Band C)
1 External Support Manager (part-time) (Band C)
1 Committee Support Assistant (part-time) (Band D1)
Chamber Business Directorate
Journal Office
A Deputy Principal Clerk (SCS 1) was the Clerk of
the Committee on Standards and Privileges, supported by a Committee
Assistant (Band C). An Assistant Clerk (Band A3) assisted the
Clerk of the Committee on Standards and Privileges and was Commons
Secretary to the Ecclesiastical Committee. A Deputy Principal
Clerk (SCS 1) was Clerk of the Procedure Committee, assisted by
an Assistant Clerk (Band A3), and a Committee Assistant (Band
C). A Principal Clerk (SCS 2) was the Commons Clerk of the Joint
Committee on the Draft House of Lords Reform Bill, assisted by
the Clerk and Committee Assistant of the Committee on Standards
and Privileges, and a Committee Support Assistant (Band D1).
Public and
Private Bill Office
The Clerk of Delegated Legislation (a Principal Clerk,
SCS1A) had supervisory responsibility for staff of the Regulatory
Reform and European Scrutiny Committees, for the Joint and Select
Committees on Statutory Instruments and for the Joint Committee
on Human Rights (and for the National Parliament Office in Brussels)
up until July 2011 when the post was discontinued and the responsibilities
The following staff served the European Scrutiny
Committee: 1 Deputy Principal Clerk (SCS1), 4 Clerk/Advisers with
specialist experience (Band A2), 1 Assistant to the Clerk (Band
B1), 1 Senior Committee Assistant (Band B2), 3 Committee Assistants
(Band C), 1 Committee Support Assistant (Band D2). The Committee
was assisted by the Counsel for European Legislation (SCS1A) and
by an Assistant Counsel (European) (Band A2). One of the Office
Support Assistants (at D2) also supported the Joint and Select
Committees on Statutory Instruments, and the Regulatory Reform
A Senior Clerk (Band A2) was Clerk of the Regulatory
Reform Committee, Clerk of the Select Committee on Statutory Instruments
and Commons Clerk of the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments.
The Regulatory Reform Committee was assisted by the Counsel for
Legislation (SCS1A), a Deputy Counsel (SCS1), a Committee Inquiry
Manager (Band B1) and a Committee Assistant (Band C). The Joint
and Select Committees on Statutory Instruments were assisted by
the Counsel for Legislation (SCS1A), the two Deputy Counsel (SCS1)
and a Committee Assistant (Band C).
A Deputy Principal Clerk (SCS1) was Commons Clerk
of the Joint Committee on Human Rights, which was also served
by a Legal Adviser (SCS2) (employed jointly with the House of
1 Committee Specialist (Band B1), a Senior Committee
Assistant (Band B2), 1 Committee Assistant (Band C), a Committee
Support Assistant (Band D1) and an Office Support Assistant (shared
with another Committee and the Departmental Services Office).
An Assistant Clerk in the Public Bill Office (Band
A2) was Commons Clerk of the Joint Committee on Consolidation,
&c., Bills.
A Senior Clerk in the Private Bill Office (Band A2)
was also Clerk of the Committee on Selection. She was assisted
by a Chief Office Clerk (Band C) who otherwise provided general
support for the Committee Office.
Public and Private Bill Office
A Senior Clerk in the Ways and Means Office (Band
A2) assisted the Clerks supporting the Joint Committee on the
Draft House of Lords Reform Bill.
Table Office
A Principal Clerk (SCS2) was Clerk of the Backbench
Business Committee assisted by a Senior Clerk (Band A2) and a
Committee Assistant (Band C).
In addition the following staff in the Committee
Directorate provided support for the work of Select Committees
as a whole, not assigned to a particular committee:
1 Statistician (A2) on loan from Department of Information
2 Finance Analysts (A2) (secondees)
1 Assistant Office Manager (Band C)
1 Senior Office Support Assistant (Band D1)
3.5 Office Support Assistants (Band D2)
As at 1 May 2012, twelve members of staff who worked
in the Committee Directorate were on maternity leave, 8 were on
secondments and 9.2 were on career breaks.
Staff costs for the Committee Directorate including
the Scrutiny Unit in Session 2010-12 were approximately £19.7