Our inquiry on disclosure of evidence in criminal cases
Correspondence with the Secretary of State
Evidence sessions with criminal defence lawyers
The Litigators’ Graduated Fee Scheme
Advocates’ Graduated Fee Scheme
The LGFS cap on pages of prosecution evidence
The MoJ’s 2017 proposals for revising the LGFS
Impact of the revised LGFS on criminal defence solicitors
The sustainability of criminal defence firms
The MoJ proposals for revising the AGFS
Response of the Criminal Bar to the consultation proposals
The final version of the revised AGFS scheme
The MoJ’s response to the AGFS consultation
Response of the Criminal Bar to the final AGFS scheme
The Bar’s direct action and its impact
The Ministry of Justice’s offer of additional funding
Expenditure on criminal legal aid
Declining expenditure on the Criminal Justice System
Conclusions and recommendations
Annex 1: LGFS and AGFS: expenditure and volume of cases
List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament
Published: 26 July 2018