The future of Scottish agriculture post-Brexit Contents

Published written evidence

The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.

FSA numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.

1Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (FSA0006)

2Angus Growers (FSA0032)

3Bread for Good Community Benefit Society (FSA0005)

4British Veterinary Association (FSA0033)

5Carbon Gold Ltd (FSA0002)

6Concordia (FSA0027)

7Food and Drink Scotland (FSA0012)

8Mr John Hunt (FSA0008)

9Professor Michael Keating (FSA0004)

10Law Society of Scotland (FSA0007)

11Law Society of Scotland (FSA0023)

12Moredun Research Institute (FSA0026)

13National Council of Rural Advisors (FSA0017)

14National Sheep Association Scotland (FSA0013)

15NFU Scotland (FSA0003)

16North West Regions of the Consultancy Division of the Scottish Agricultural College (FSA0019)

17Quality Meat Scotland (FSA0015)

18Quality Meat Scotland (FSA0025)

19Professor Colin Reid (FSA0020) and (FSA0029)

20The Royal Society of Edinburgh (FSA0011)

21Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) (FSA0009)

22Scottish Association of Meat Wholesalers (FSA0030)

23Scottish Environment LINK (FSA0018)

24Scottish Land Estates (FSA0014)

25Scottish Wildlife Trust (FSA0016)

26SEFARI Gateway (FSA0024)

27Shetland Islands Council (FSA0010)

28UK Agri-Tech Centres (FSA0028)

29UK Government (FSA0022)

30WWF Scotland (FSA0021)

Published: 31 July 2019