Companion to the Standing Orders and guide to the Proceedings of the House of Lords


12.20  The sound broadcasting and televising of proceedings are governed by resolutions of the House of 28 July 1977 and 15 May 1986.[506] The Information Committee has responsibility for supervising the arrangements for, and dealing with any problems or complaints arising out of, the televising and sound broadcasting of the proceedings of the House and its committees. The House has given power to a committee to refuse to allow the televising of proceedings to which visitors are admitted.[507] The Administration and Works Committee considers requests for permission to make programmes about the House. Day-to-day monitoring of adherence to rules of coverage laid down by the Information Committee is delegated to the Director of Parliamentary Broadcasting.

506   LJ (1976-77) 820, (1985-86) 331. Back

507   Animals in Scientific Procedures Committee (HL Deb. 12 July 2001 col. 1181). Back

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