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House of Lords
Session 2007-08
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Communications Committee Publications

Communications - Minutes of Evidence [Back to Report]

Here you can browse the Minutes of Evidence which were ordered by the House of Lords to be printed 11 June 2008.



Corbett of Castle Vale, L King of Bridgwater, L
Eccles of Moulton, BManchester, Bp
Fowler, L (Chairman)Maxton, L
Hastings of Scarisbrick, LMcIntosh of Hudnall, B
Howe of Idlicote, BScott of Needham Market, B
Inglewood, LThornton, B


Examination of Witnesses

Witness: MS REBEKAH WADE, Editor of The Sun, examined.

Question Number

1451 - 1459

1460 - 1479

1480 - 1499

1500 - 1519

1520 - 1539

1540 - 1559

1560 - 1562

Examination of Witnesses

Witnesses: MR DAVID SCHLESINGER, Editor-in-Chief, Reuters; MR PIERRE LESOURD, AFP, General Manager for UK and Ireland; and MR TONY WATSON, Editor-in-Chief, Press Association, examined.

Question Number

1563 - 1579

1580 - 1599

1600 - 1619

1620 - 1639

1640 - 1647

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