Brexit: Future frameworks for trade between the UK and the EU
Table 1: Possible frameworks for future trading relationship
Chapter 2: The UK’s trade as a member of the EU
Table 2: UK trade in values and shares (2015)
Table 3: UK goods and services trade shares (2015)
Table 4: Comparing the UK & the EU’s trade
Table 5: EU Treaty provisions relating to the Four Freedoms
The EU’s external trade policy
‘Access to’ versus ‘membership of’ the Single Market
The future trade relationship between the UK and the EU
Conclusions and recommendations
Chapter 3: Membership of the European Economic Area
Box 1: The European Free Trade Area (EFTA) and the
European Economic Area (EEA)
The process for joining the EEA
EEA membership and free movement of people
Box 2: Non-EU EEA states’ influence over EU legislation
Box 3: The EFTA Court and Surveillance Authority
Conclusions and recommendations
Chapter 4: Membership of the EU’s customs union
Remaining part of the EU’s customs union
Conclusions and recommendations
Chapter 5: A UK-EU free trade agreement
Negotiating a FTA between the UK and the EU
What could a UK-EU FTA contain?
Box 6: The EU’s FTAs with Canada and Switzerland
Box 7: Dispute resolution in FTAs
Conclusions and recommendations
Chapter 6: Trade under WTO rules
Box 8: World Trade Organisation (WTO)
Process of agreeing the UK’s schedules at the WTO
Issues in agreeing the UK’s schedules
Box 9: Dispute resolution at the WTO
Conclusions and recommendations
Chapter 7: The Government’s approach
Analysis of the impact of Brexit on the UK’s economy
Co-ordination across Government departments
Conclusions and recommendations
Chapter 8: Evaluating the frameworks
A bespoke arrangement for the UK
Conclusions and recommendations
Summary of conclusions and recommendations
Appendix 1: List of Members and declarations of interest
Evidence is published online at and available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives
(020 7129 3074).
Q in footnotes refers to a question in oral evidence.