Brexit: devolution Contents

Appendix 2: List of witnesses

Evidence is published online at and available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives (020 7219 3074).

Evidence received by the Committee is listed below in chronological order of oral evidence session and in alphabetical order. Those witnesses marked with ** gave both oral and written evidence. Those marked with * gave oral evidence and did not submit and written evidence. All other witnesses submitted written evidence only.

Oral evidence in chronological order


Professor Adam Tomkins MSP

QQ 1–10


Professor Christina Boswell, Director of Research, Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh

QQ 11–24


Dr Tobias Lock, Senior Lecturer, University of Edinburgh


Dr Graeme Roy, Senior Lecturer in EU Law, University of Strathclyde


Professor Jim Gallagher, Nuffield College Oxford and University of Glasgow

QQ 25–34


Professor Nicola McEwen, Associate Director, Centre on Constitutional Change, University of Edinburgh


Professor Alan Page, Professor of Public Law, University of Dundee


Michael Russell MSP, Minister for Negotiations on Scotland’s Place in Europe

QQ 35–44


Frank Strang, Deputy Director of the EU Hub and Analysis team, Scottish Government


Josh Hardie, Deputy Director-General for Policy and Campaigns, CBI

QQ 45–54


Professor Anton Muscatelli, Principal, University of Glasgow


Councillor David O’Neill, President, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities


Scott Walker, CEO, NFU Scotland


Andrew RT Davies AM, Leader, Welsh Conservatives

QQ 55–62


Neil Hamilton AM, leader of UKIP in the National Assembly of Wales


Leanne Wood AM, Plaid Cymru Leader


Gerald Holtham, Economist

QQ 63–70


Sir Emyr Jones Parry, Chancellor, Aberystwyth University and former UK Ambassador to NATO and to the UN


Dr Jo Hunt, Reader in Law, Cardiff University

QQ 71–82


Dr Rachel Minto, Research Associate, Cardiff University


Ben Cottam, Head of External Affairs, FSB Wales

QQ 83–91


Nicholas Fenwick, Head of Policy, Farmers’ Union of Wales


Mary Williams, Acting Political Officer, Unite Wales


Dr Victoria Winckler, Director, the Bevan Foundation


Professor Sionaidh Douglas-Scott, Co-Director of the Centre for Law and Society in a Global Context, Queen Mary University of London

QQ 92–101


Professor Roger Scully, Professor of Political Science, Cardiff University


Professor Jonathan Tonge, Professor of Politics, University of Liverpool


Lord Forsyth of Drumlean

QQ 102–114


Lord Wallace of Tankerness QC


Sammy Wilson MP, Democratic Unionist Party

QQ 115–123


Lord Hain

QQ 124–131


Lord Hunt of Wirral


Lord Wigley


Mark Drakeford AM, Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government, Welsh Government

QQ 132–139


Lord Alderdice

QQ 140–148


Mark Durkan


Lord Trimble


Lord McConnell of Glenscorrodale

QQ 149–156

Alphabetical list of all witnesses

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Lord Alderdice (QQ 140–148)


Dr Victoria Winckler, Director, the Bevan Foundation (QQ 83–91)


Professor Christina Boswell, Director of Research, Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh (QQ 11–24)

The British Academy



Josh Hardie, Deputy Director-General for Policy and Campaigns, CBI (QQ 45–54)

Centre for Cross Border Studies


Professor Feargal Cochrane, University of Kent


Cornwall Council


Country Land & Business Association


Dr Sylvia de Mars, Newcastle University



Sammy Wilson MP, Democratic Unionist Party (QQ 115–123)


Professor Sionaidh Douglas-Scott, Co-Director of the Centre for Law and Society in a Global Context, Queen Mary University of London (QQ 92–101)


Mark Durkan (QQ 140–148)


Gerald Holtham, Economist (QQ 63–70)

Environment Links UK



Nicholas Fenwick, Head of Policy, Farmers’ Union of Wales (QQ 83–91)


Lord Forsyth of Drumlean (QQ 102–114)



Ben Cottam, Head of External Affairs, FSB Wales (QQ 83–91)


Professor Jim Gallagher, Nuffield College Oxford and University of Glasgow (QQ 25–34)

Dr Viviane Gravey, Queen’s University Belfast


Greener UK



Lord Hain (QQ 124–131)

Dr Katy Hayward, Queen’s University Belfast


Hospitality Ulster



Lord Hunt of Wirral (QQ 124–131)


Dr Jo Hunt, Reader in Law, Cardiff University (QQ 71–82)

Immigration Law Practitioners Association


The Law Society of Scotland


The Learned Society of Wales



Dr Tobias Lock, Senior Lecturer, University of Edinburgh (QQ 11–24)


Lord McConnell of Glenscorrodale (QQ 149–156)


Professor Nicola McEwen, Associate Director, Centre on Constitutional Change, University of Edinburgh (QQ 25–34)

Monica McWilliams, Emeritus Professor of Women’s Studies, Transitional Justice Institute



Dr Rachel Minto, Research Associate, Cardiff University (QQ 71–82)

James Murphie, Abertay University


Colin Murray, Newcastle University



Professor Anton Muscatelli, Principal, University of Glasgow (QQ 45–54)


NFU Scotland (QQ 45–54)


Dr Aoife O’Donoghue, Durham University



Councillor David O’Neill (QQ 45–54)



Professor Alan Page, Professor of Public Law, University of Dundee(QQ 25–34)


Sir Emyr Jones Parry, Chancellor, Aberystwyth University and former UK Ambassador to NATO and to the UN (QQ 63–70)


Leanne Wood AM, Plaid Cymru Leader (QQ 55–62)

Professor Colin T. Reid, University of Dundee



Dr Graeme Roy, Senior Lecturer in EU Law, University of Strathclyde (QQ 11–24)

The Royal Society of Edinburgh

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Michael Russell MSP, Minister for Negotiations on Scotland’s Place in Europe


Frank Strang, Deputy Director of the EU Hub and Analysis team, Scottish Government (QQ 35–44)

Professor Dagmar Schiek, Queen’s University Belfast (QQ 35–44)



Professor Roger Scully, Professor of Political Science, Cardiff University (QQ 92–101)

Dr Anne Smith, Lecturer, Transitional Justice Institute, Ulster University



Professor Adam Tomkins MSP (QQ 1–10)


Professor Jonathan Tonge (QQ 92–101)



Lord Trimble (QQ 140–148)


Neil Hamilton AM, leader of UKIP in the National Assembly of Wales (QQ 55–62)


Mary Williams, Acting Political Officer, Unite Wales (QQ 83–91)

United Against Separation



Lord Wallace of Tankerness QC (QQ 102–114)

Dr Ben Warwick, University of Birmingham


Dr Michelle Weldon-Jones, Abertay University



Andrew RT Davies AM, Leader, Welsh Conservatives (QQ 55–62)


Welsh Government (QQ 132–139)



Lord Wigley (QQ 124–131)

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