The Governance of the Union: Consultation, Co-operation and Legislative consent Contents

Select Committee on the Constitution

The Constitution Committee is appointed by the House of Lords in each session “to examine the constitutional implications of public bills coming before the House and to keep under review the operation of the constitution and the constitutional aspects of devolution”.


The Members of the Constitution Committee are:

Lord Anderson of Ipswich

Baroness Finn

Baroness Andrews

Lord Foulkes of Cumnock

Lord Beith

Baroness Goldie

Lord Burnett of Maldon

Lord Keen of Elie

Baroness Drake (Chair)

Lord Strathclyde

Lord Falconer of Thoroton

Lord Thomas of Gresford

Declaration of interests

See Appendix 1.

A full list of Members’ interests can be found in the Register of Lords’ Interests:


All publications of the Committee are available at:

Parliament Live

Live coverage of debates and public sessions of the Committee’s meetings are available at:

Further information

Further information about the House of Lords and its Committees, including guidance to witnesses, details of current inquiries and forthcoming meetings is available at:

Committee staff

The staff who worked on this inquiry were Rachel Borrell (Clerk), Alice Edmonston (Policy Analyst) and Samuel Smith (Committee Operations Officer).

Contact details

All correspondence should be addressed to the Constitution Committee, Committee Office, House of Lords, London SW1A 0PW. Telephone 020 7219 5960. Email


You can follow the Committee on Twitter: @HLConstitution.

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