Select Committee on the Constitution
The Governance of the Union: Consultation, Co-operation and Legislative consent

1st Report of Session 2024-25 - published 27 September 2024 - HL Paper13



Chapter 1: Introduction

The evolution of intergovernmental relations

Intergovernmental relations structures introduced in January 2022

Figure 1: Intergovernmental relations structures

Key changes to the intergovernmental relations process

The Sewel convention

Intergovernmental relations and the Sewel convention during Brexit and COVID-19



This inquiry

Chapter 2: Are the new intergovernmental relations structures working?

The effectiveness of the new intergovernmental relations structures

Scrutiny of intergovernmental relations

Goodwill, attitudes and culture

The dispute resolution process

Box 1: The dispute resolution escalation process

Figure 2: Flowchart of dispute resolution process

The role of the civil service

The restoration of Northern Ireland institutions

Common frameworks

Chapter 3: How can intergovernmental relations be improved?

The role of the territorial offices

Engagement with the devolved administrations

Resources and spending power

Machinery of Government

Placing intergovernmental relations on a statutory basis

A principle of positive engagement

Representation of England

Chapter 4: Observance of the Sewel convention

Commitment to the Sewel convention

Legislation passed without the consent of the devolved legislatures

Legislation passed without the consent of the Scottish Parliament

Legislation passed without the consent of the Senedd

Legislation passed without the consent of the Northern Ireland Assembly

Legislation amended to address the concerns of the devolved institutions

Chapter 5: Strengthening the Sewel convention

Replacing the Sewel convention with a legally binding rule

Updating the Devolution Guidance Notes

A principle of positive engagement on legislation

The devolved legislatures’ scrutiny function

The role of the House of Lords

Chapter 6: Secondary legislation and Henry VIII powers


Consultation vs consent

Summary of conclusions and recommendations

Appendix 1: List of Members and declarations of interest

Appendix 2: List of witnesses

Appendix 3: Call for evidence

Appendix 4: Glossary

Evidence is published online at and available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives (020 7219 3074).

Q in footnotes refers to a question in oral evidence.

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