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Private Bills before
Parliament Session 2007-08

Listed below are Private Bills currently before Parliament. Click on each title to access the full text of the Bill. Green Square indicates bills in the House of Commons indicates bills in the Commons, and Red Lozenge indicates bills in the House of Lords those in the Lords. Grey Lozenge indicates new bills indicates new private bills which will, if they successfully pass a preliminary stage, be introduced in January. Follow the first link below for further information on the new bills and how to have your views heard if you are directly and specially affected by any of them. Bills which started in the House of Lords have [HL] in their title.

A complete list of private bills in Parliament in the current session, plus their progress through Parliament, can be found in the Weekly Information Bulletin.

Green Square indicates bills in the House of Commons Bournemouth Borough Council Bill [HL]

Government Reports on the bill

House of Lords Opposed Bill Committee on the Bournemouth Borough Council Bill [HL]

The Parliamentary Agents for this bill are Sharpe Pritchard
Green Square indicates bills in the House of Commons Broads Authority Bill

Government Reports on the bill

House of Commons Opposed Bill Committee

The Parliamentary Agents for this bill are Winckworth Sherwood
Grey Lozenge indicates new bills Canterbury City Council Bill

The Parliamentary Agents for this bill are Sharpe Pritchard
Grey Lozenge indicates new bills Leeds City Council Bill

The Parliamentary Agents for this bill are Sharpe Pritchard
Grey Lozenge indicates new bills London Local Authorities Bill

The Parliamentary Agents for this bill are Sharpe Pritchard
Red Lozenge indicates bills in the House of Lords London Local Authorities and Transport for London Bill

Government Reports on the bill

House of Commons Select Committee on the London Local Authorities and Transport for London Bill
House of Lords Opposed Bill Committee on the London Local Authorities and Transport for London Bill
House of Lords Unopposed Bill Committee on the London Local Authorities and Transport for London Bill

The Parliamentary Agents for this bill are Sharpe Pritchard
Grey Lozenge indicates new bills London Local Authorities and Transport for London (No. 2) Bill

The Parliamentary Agents for this bill are Sharpe Pritchard
Grey Lozenge indicates new bills London Local Authorities (Shopping Bags) Bill

The Parliamentary Agents for this bill are Sharpe Pritchard
Green Square indicates bills in the House of Commons Manchester City Council Bill [HL]

Government Reports on the bill

House of Lords Opposed Bill Committee on the Manchester City Council Bill [HL]

The Parliamentary Agents for this bill are Sharpe Pritchard
Grey Lozenge indicates new bills Northern Bank Bill

The Parliamentary Agents for this bill are Bircham Dyson Bell LLP
Grey Lozenge indicates new bills Nottingham City Council Bill

The Parliamentary Agents for this bill are Sharpe Pritchard
Grey Lozenge indicates new bills Reading City Council Bill

The Parliamentary Agents for this bill are Sharpe Pritchard
Grey Lozenge indicates new bills St. Austell Market Bill

The Parliamentary Agents for this bill are Bircham Dyson Bell LLP
Green Square indicates bills in the House of Commons Transport for London Bill [HL]

Government Reports on the bill

House of Lords Opposed Bill Committee on the Transport for London Bill
House of Lords Unopposed Bill Committee on the Transport for London Bill

The Parliamentary Agents for this bill are Eversheds LLP
Red Lozenge indicates bills in the House of Lords Transport for London (Supplemental Toll Provisions) Bill [HL]

Government Reports on the bill

The Parliamentary Agents for this bill are Eversheds LLP
  • Private bills which have been passed by both Houses from 1997 onwards, and have received Royal Assent become Acts of Parliament and are available in full text from the Office of Public Sector Information web site Acts of the UK Parliament (Local Acts).

Private Bills before Parliament in previous Sessions


© Parliamentary copyright 2007 Updated 28 November 2007