Appendix 1: House of Commons Management
Board's response
The Management Board is pleased to update the Speaker's
Conference on action taken by the House Service in relation to
its recommendations.
The Management Board is committed to increasing diversity
in the House Service and to providing an excellent service to
all Members. It is keen to respond positively to the Conference's
report. However, as the Conference will appreciate, many of its
recommendations are for the House itself to determine. The House
Service will respond readily to whatever changes are agreed to
by the House, whether before the end of this Parliament or in
the next.
Attached is a response to each of the recommendations
which are directed at the House Administration.
Recommendation 4
We warmly welcome the increased priority the House
is giving to its education and outreach activities, and we are
impressed by the work that is being produced. It is vital that
citizens know more about the way Parliament and its Members work.
But we believe that there should also be a firm focus on providing
the public with information needed to promote wider representation,
without reference to any one party. The objectives of the Parliamentary
Education Service, therefore, should in future include helping
to encourage a wider range of people to become candidates for
election to Parliament. (Paragraph 49)
School children visiting Westminster reflect a
cross-section of society, and thus represent a powerful opportunity
to encourage broader engagement with Parliament. It is not an
objective of Parliament's Education Service (or the Parliamentary
Outreach service) explicitly to encourage people to stand as candidates,
but rather to explain the party system and the representational
role in the context of effective engagement with parliamentary
Recommondation 5
Support should be developed for Members to help them
to promote political agency and active citizenship in their constituencies.
(Paragraph 50)
Staff in Parliament's public information services
are preparing a set of resources to support Members in their work
with schools and community groups. This will be available early
in the new Parliament.
Recommendation 14
A description of the main functions of a Member of
Parliament should be drawn up, agreed between the parties and
published. The description should not remove the scope for MPs
to approach the job of representing their constituency in various
ways; it should contain general principles and main objectives
and tasks, rather than highly detailed prescriptions. Greater
transparency about the terms and conditions under which MPs work
has been achieved since the mid-1990s but the process has not
been completed; nor has it been matched by a clearer explanation
of the role of Members. More is needed. This information should
be consolidated, published (on the internet and in hard copy)
and made widely available to the general public. (Paragraph 87)
There is broad agreement on the functions of an
MP (as set out, for example, in the 2007 report of the Modernisation
Committee on the role of the backbencher[1])
but how the job should be carried out is essentially a matter
for each Member of the House.
Meanwhile, the House Service is active in communicating
the role of MPs to the public. For example, the House of Commons
Information Office publishes the leaflet "You and your MP"
in 16 languages, and the Education Service has recently launched
an online game "MP for a week" to engage 11-14 year
olds in what it is like to be an MP.
Recommendation 27
We recommend that the Government should find time
for a debate on the implementation of the Speaker's Conference's
recommendations and progress towards just representation in the
House of Commons in 2010, 2012, and every two years thereafter
to 2022. We also recommend that the House of Commons should provide
access from a dedicated page on the Parliament website to all
published statements and reports by each party represented at
Westminster on their Parliamentary party representation and candidate
selections, alongside links to the reports from the Speaker's
Conference. (Paragraph 166)
The Parliament website will have a new area about
the Speaker's Conference's recommendations and progress, which
will link to all published statements and reports by each party
on their parliamentary party representation and candidate selections.
This will also link through to reports from the Speaker's conference.[2]
The Equality Bill contains provisions concerning
the publication of information about the diversity of candidates.
The Parliament website will provide links to any information published
under these provisions.
Recommendation 43
We believe that there is scope for the development
of a UK-wide scheme similar to the Step Up Cymru mentoring scheme,
but with a strong Westminster element. This could bring together
elected members at all levels of government to provide opportunities
for people from under-represented groups to find out about their
work. The initial aim might be to encourage involvement in community
groups, but it should also give encouragement to those who might
wish to become candidates for elected office at local and national
level or be appointed to a public body. (Paragraph 241)
The House Service encourages staff of the House
to participate in the National Mentoring Consortium which focuses
on finding, training and supporting mentors for ethnic minority
undergraduates. If the House wished to set up a scheme at Westminster,
similar to the Step Up Cymru scheme, the Diversity team would
be ready to support it, for example by arranging mentoring skills
training and offering seminars/workshops for the mentees.
Recommendation 47
A diverse workforce for Parliament is not an aspiration
but an imperative. It is essential to the House's credibility
that the participation of Members who have young families and/or
other caring responsibilities is maintained and supported. This
must be kept in mind by all who are engaged in the current process
of Commons reform. (Paragraph 253)
The House Service is committed to increasing the
diversity of our workforce, as set out in the recently published
House Equality Scheme.
Recommendation 51
We have said that it is essential to the House's
credibility that the participation of Members who have young families
is supported. It is likely that at the 2010 general election a
number of younger Members, who have young children, will enter
the House of Commons for the first time. We welcome the recent
announce ment of plans for a nursery facility within the Parliamentary
estate and urge the House service to implement the proposal as
soon as possible. This facility should be open to Members and
staff. (Paragraph 270)
The Commission has agreed that a nursery facility
for children of Members, Members' staff and House staff should
be established in 1 Parliament Street and begin operating in September
2010, catering for up to 40 children, aged 0-5 years. Subject
to the approval of the relevant regulatory bodies and to the interest
of suitable providers, this timetable is expected to be achieved.
In addition, the Family Room, which is situated
in the Lower Waiting Hall, has recently been refurbished to make
it a more suitable area for children to spend time while waiting
for their parent(s).
Recommendation 54
The sitting hours of the House should again be reviewed,
and voted upon by the House, early in the new Parliament. Ideally,
sitting time for the main chamber should be brought in line with
what is considered to be normal business hours. Respecting the
difficulty of achieving this, given the multiplicity of other
duties inside and outside the Palace of Westminster carried out
by Members, we recommend a substantial further development of
deferred voting in order to facilitate a more family friendly
approach to sitting arrangements and unscheduled (unprogrammed)
votes. Further consideration should be given to modern methods
of voting to facilitate a more efficient and practical use of
time, in line with other legislatures. (Paragraph 286)
These are matters which the House may wish to
consider in the next Parliament.
Recommendation 55
We hope that the House service will review, and draw
up new guidelines to clarify, the circumstances in which a child
under the age of one may accompany his or her MP parent within
restricted areas of the House of Commons. (Paragraph 288)
The House Service is reviewing the practice in
other Parliaments, with the intention of giving advice on this
matter to Member Committees in the next Parliament.
Recommendation 56
We think it is important that Members who wish to
undertake civil marriages and civil partnerships should have the
same rights as Members undertaking Christian marriage rites to
hold their ceremonies within the Palace of Westminster. The House
service should take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that
such civil ceremonies can take place within the Palace of Westminster
from 2010. (Paragraph 290)
The House of Commons was granted a Civil Marriage
and Partnership licence on 11 February 2010. The licence will
run for three years and allows ceremonies to be held in the Jubilee
Room and the Members' Dining Room. The first is to be held on
27 March 2010.
Recommendation 57
It is important for the House to obtain much better
information about the percentages of Members who belong to under-represented
groups, and to know more about their experiences of politics and
of the House. We believe that the arguments in favour of regular,
sensitive and appropriate monitoring of the situation are convincing.
The House should consider how this might be done. One approach
would be for the House's occupational health department to ask
Members to complete confidential questionnaires about their experience
of any illness or impairment while attending the Department for
screening/self referral or disability assessment. The anonymised
questionnaires could be collated and analysed by the department
and the analysis fed back to the appropriate committee annually.
The survey might also secure similar information about the racial
origin and, if possible and appropriate, the sexual orientation
of Members. (Paragraph 293)
The House Service will explore with Member Committees
in the next Parliament how such information could best be obtained.
Recommendation 58
We recommend that there should be a regular survey
(at least once every five years) of public attitudes to Parliament
and its composition, and in particular of the impact of the measures
taken following this report. This should test whether greater
diversity among MPs is bringing greater public approval and acceptance
of the work of the House, and should be carried out by an independent
body such as the Hansard Society. (Paragraph 295)
The House, together with the Ministry of Justice,
already provides financial support to the annual Audit of Political
Engagement run by the Hansard Society. We will continue to support
and help develop this survey as a means of tracking public attitudes
to Parliament.
Recommendation 59
We welcome the range of effective measures which
have been taken by the authorities in both Houses in recent years
to meet the needs of disabled Members. Parliament responds well,
in the vast majority of cases, to specific requests for assistance.
However, there is still a largely unfair impression among some
people that the House of Commons does not welcome disabled Members.
The House needs to put this right. We recommend that the House
should explicitly accept its responsibility to provide the support
needed to enable disabled Members to do their job. In particular,
the Parliamentary ICT service (PICT) should designate an experienced
liaison officer to provide customised advice and support to maximise
access to computing and other communications technology for disabled
Members who require it. The passage into law of the Equality Bill
currently before Parliament will be a good opportunity for the
House authorities to announce publicly how committed they are
to supporting disabled Members. The House should therefore make
an early policy statement that it will apply fully the principles
of the Equality Bill on reasonable adjustment and discrimination.
This should cover both areas where the House is required to act
within the law and those where it is not so required. (Paragraph
The House Service is committed to supporting Members
with disabilities in carrying out their duties.
The House of Commons published its first Equality
Scheme in January this year. The Scheme, which has been approved
by the Commission, contains an extensive action plan, with a number
of actions to help enable Members and staff to do their jobs,
improving accessibility and facilities and offering advice for
reasonable adjustments to be made in offices, work stations etc.
Under the Equality Bill, public bodies will be
required to continue to assess the impact of what they do through
equality impact assessments and resulting action planning. Under
the Equality Scheme, the House is about to introduce these assessments.
PICT already provides users of the Parliamentary
network who have disabilities with equipment and training based
on the recommendations of Occupational Health. PICT has identified
a senior manager who will lead on this subject and liaise directly
with Members and others, including Occupational Health and suppliers
of ICT products as necessary. Awareness training with an emphasis
on IT will be identified and delivered to our staff.
Recommendation 60
We also recommend that the House should provide to
each Member information on all the facilities and assistance available
for disabled Members, which should be given wide publicity amongst
disabled people and updated regularly. We also urge the parties
to make this information widely known among their own members,
to give potential parliamentary candidates confidence that support
will be provided. We would also encourage the authorities in the
House of Lords similarly to consider what further steps can be
taken to improve the situation for disabled peers. In general
we believe that any recommendations made by the occupational health
service about the facilities and assistance which should be made
available for disabled Members should be accepted by the Independent
Parliamentary Standards Authority. (Paragraph 311)
Work is under wayin co-operation with the
Independent Parliamentary Standards Authorityto produce
a leaflet on facilities for disabled Members. This will be made
available after the General Election, and will be published on
the internet.
Recommendation 61
We see benefits in the idea of a ring-fenced fund
to assist disabled Members to make reasonable adjustments to help
them serve their constituents. This might fund better access to
constituency offices or the provision of BSL interpreters for
surgeries, and would be of particular assistance to newly-elected
disabled MPs. We recommend that the new Independent Parliamentary
Standards Authority includes provision for this in its allowances
scheme, and we expect IPSA and the House authorities to work closely
together on the provision of services and allowances to disabled
MPs, and to devise a scheme which provides the help that is needed.
(Paragraph 313)
The House Service is discussing with IPSA how
we can work together to ensure that disabled Members are properly
Reccommendation 62
We believe that the House and its Members would benefit
from having a small in-house team on the model of the National
Assembly for Wales Equalities Team, responsible for monitoring
how the House is doing on all equalities issues and also for planning
provision for disabled Members, staff and visitors. The team would
have responsibility both for internal and external work to promote
greater diversity and equality. It should also liaise with IPSA.
(Paragraph 315)
The House of Commons Service currently has a Diversity
Team which provides advice and support to staff on a range of
issues in respect of equality, diversity and inclusion. This includes
diversity casework, policy work, managing various outreach activities,
monitoring the diversity of House staff and implementing the actions
of the House Equality Scheme. The team would welcome the opportunity
to extend its services to Members and have more of an external
focus, but this would require additional resources, andgiven
our commitment to reduce the costs of the House Administrationwill
need to compete for funding against other priorities.
Recommendation 64
We believe that s141 of the 1983 Mental Health Act
is unnecessary and damaging. It embodies attitudes which stigmatise
and sap the confidence of people with mental illness. Section
141 should be repealed as soon as practicable. (Paragraph 327)
We note that an amendment to this effect was tabled
to the Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill in Committee
but was not reached.
Recommendation 65
We recognise, however, that some provision may be
needed to protect the legitimate interests of constituents and
the House in circumstances where a Member is physically or mentally
incapacitated to the extent that he or she is entirely unable
to fulfil their duties for an extended period. We recommend that
the House should invite an appropriate select committee to undertake
an inquiry into this issue, consider whether new legislation or
other measures may be needed, and make recommendations to the
House and to Government as appropriate. (Paragraph 328)
This is a matter for the House.
Recommendation 66
We recommend that an information pack and supporting
guidance on the House's occupational health services should be
sent to all Members of Parliament immediately after each General
Election (Paragraph 329)
Work is under way to ensure that timely information
on the House's Safety, Health and Wellbeing Service will be made
available to Members after the General Election.
Recommendation 68
The House of Commons Media and Communications Service
should identify new approaches in both old and new media which
would bring the more measured and less heated elements of the
House's work to a wider audience. We urge Members to take the
opportunities thus offered to present the work of the House in
a more constructive light. (Paragraph 335)
The House of Commons Media and Communications
Service (MCS) has six staff who work for select committees, and
part of their role is to bring the scrutiny work of these committees
to a wider audience. Most select committee reportsand many
evidence sessionsare now actively promoted to national
print and broadcast media, and in trade, consumer and local/regional
media, and MCS has strong links with a wide range of journalists
in all sectors.
Most reports are run as news stories on,
along with about a dozen evidence sessions in a typical sitting
A working group has recently been set up to develop
draft guidance for committees on the use of social media, to be
available for consideration by the Liaison Committee early in
the next Parliament. Twitter, Flickr and YouTube are already used
by some committees to publicise their work and encourage public
engagement and online forums are increasingly being used for evidence
gathering by committees.
A new post has been created specifically to extend
our coverage beyond just news, and to bring the work, role and
history of the House, and the day to day working lives of MPs,
to a wider audience via more features and factual programming.
In addition to this new strand of work, priorities for the next
year include:
· Exploring
opportunities to promote the work of select committees through
social media, where appropriate;
· Providing
media and communications support to the Outreach team, publicising
their initiatives primarily through local and regional media;
· Promoting
and explaining the work of Public Bill Committees;
· Considering
further ways to enhance public understanding of: the House's scrutiny
role and the distinction between Government and Parliament; what
MPs really do; the impact of decisions made in Parliament on the
day to day life of individuals and communities.
It is hoped that some of this work will also support
recommendation 67 (redressing lack of balance in media coverage
of Parliament).
Recommendation 69
The House service should make training available
to Members for communication through the internet. (Paragraph
This will be considered as part of broader discussions
on the funding, by the House and IPSA, of training for Members
and their staff.
1 Select Committee on Modernisation of the House
of Commons, Revitalising the Chamber: the role of a backbench
Member, First Report, Session 2006-07, HC337, para 10. Back
Available at