Responses to the Speaker's Conference (on Parliamentary Representation): Final Report of Session 2009-10 - Speaker's Conference (on Parliamentary Representation) Contents

Appendix 3: Senior Salaries Review Body's response


The Government has recently indicated its intention to give the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) the responsibility for setting salaries and pensions, with effect from 2011-12. We invite IPSA to consider the development of formal maternity, paternity and caring leave arrangements for MPs which are as closely equivalent to the general public sector provision as possible. In the mean time we would ask the Senior Salaries Review Body to look into the matter and to report in 2010. (Paragraph 268)


Under the terms of the House of Commons Resolution on Members' Salaries (No. 2), the SSRB conducts a review of Members' salaries in the first year of each new Parliament. The SSRB's current terms of reference provide for it to advise on pay, pensions and allowances of Members of Parliament. Unless those terms of reference are changed, the SSRB has no remit to advise on other aspects of the conditions of service of Members of Parliament such as leave for any purpose. These are determined by the House itself. There appears to be no legal impediment to Members of Parliament taking maternity, paternity or caring leave if they wish to do so.

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Prepared 10 March 2010