Appendix 4: The Labour Party's response
Recommendations 7-10
Political parties are the mechanism by which people
of any background can be actively involved in the tasks of shaping
policy and deciding how society should be governed. While they
are not perfect organisations they are essential for the effective
functioning of our democracy. Without the support of political
parties it would be difficult for individual Members of Parliament,
as legislators and/or as members of the Executive, to organise
themselves effectively for the task of promoting the national
interestincluding by challenge to the Government, where
that is necessary and appropriateand ensuring that proposed
new laws are proportionate, effective and accurately drafted.
(Paragraph 55)
The extent to which political parties are the subject
of both contempt and general public indifference should be a cause
of concern to all who are interested in how our country is run.
We acknowledge that the recent disclosures about Members' allowances
and some Members' expenses claims have been extremely damaging,
but a general dwindling of attachment to political partiesgoing
wider than the decline in formal membershiphas been apparent
over more than 40 years. (Paragraph 59)
It is important to the future of our democracy that
political parties are able to continue to function. As Nan Sloane,
Centre for Women and Democracy, put it, "The democratic process
we have may not be a perfect way of governing ourselves but it
is better than most of the other ones that there are out there
and it is very dangerous to have that undermined." In this
context it is clear that the effective functioning of political
parties is very much in the public interest. (Paragraph 60)
It is in the interests of any political party which
wishes to achieve, and sustain, a period in government that it
should foster local activism and seek to build up social capital
and trust. Active, healthy and accessible local political parties
will also play a vital role in identifying and nurturing a greater
diversity of MPs for the future. (Paragraph 64)
We are pleased that the Conference has recognised
the importance of political parties to the health of our democracy.
Political parties are the main vehicles for political representation
and accountability in this country, and as such are the main vehicles
by which equality in Parliament will be achieved.
If the body politic is to be representative and
relevant, then it follows that political parties must be too.
The Labour Party recognised this some decades ago, and has sought
to improve its structures and processes from the grassroots up,
to build a party that is inclusive, accountable, and looks like
those it seeks to represent.
Though it has not always been an easy path down
which to travel, the Party has made great strides forward. Yet
there is still more to do, and we would be delighted to work with
the government, the Speaker's Conference, other parties and the
House Authorities in addressing these important issues.
Recommendation 11
The Government should consult on the introduction
of a scheme enabling local political parties to apply for funding
linked to their receipts from member subscriptions. The scheme
should be administered by a suitable independent body and the
details of all funding allocations made should be published. Local
political parties should also expect to make some account of the
way in which they use the funding to support the development of
social capital. This consultation should take place in the first
session of the 2010 Parliament. (Paragraph 74)
Political parties are essential to the health
of our democracy, and must be resourced effectively if they are
to properly fulfil this role. Active and vibrant local parties
in all parts of the country will clearly be of benefit to our
communities and develop social capital within them. Any decision
to link public funding of political parties to membership subscriptions
is, of course, a matter for government. We have recently experimented
with providing financial incentivesin the form of additional
campaign materialsto local Labour parties based on their
level of engagement with the community, and found it to be extremely
effective. We would be happy to participate in any consultation
on how such a scheme would work in practice.
Recommendation 12
Each national party needs to develop a systematic
plan of action to support the development of local parties. As
part of this plan parties should draw up a checklist of actions
which will promote diversity (such as meeting in accessible venues)
and might also offer practical support and incentives to local
parties which adopt measures on the checklist. (Paragraph 77)
We are committed to making the Labour Party accessible
to its members at every level, from local party meetings to national
conferences. Working closely with the Labour Party Disabled Members
Group, we have developed an accessibility guide which has been
sent to all local parties to make them aware of their responsibility
to conduct their business in a way that reflects our collective
commitment to involving people with different accessibility needs.
Similarly, we have recently developed a pack for local parties
outlining measures they should take to make their meetings and
activities accessible to younger members. We also provide a Women's
Officer handbook to those elected as Women's Officers in local
parties which outlines their role and provides practical advice
for both recruiting and involving women members. We will look
to work with the relevant national groupsBAME Labour and
LGBT Labour to develop similar guides to ensure that both BAME
and LGBT members play as full and active a role as possible.
Recommendation 13
We recommend that all political parties appoint national
and/or regional community champions for women, and people from
BME and LGBT communities, and disabled people. The champions'
remit should include supporting individuals from those communities
in finding and sustaining a suitable role within the party. Consideration
should also be given to formalising strategies for talent spotting
within parties and within the wider community. (Paragraph 79)
The Labour Party currently supports a range of
organisations operating both nationally and regionally to represent
people from the diverse range of backgrounds who are active within
the Party, and to increase participation amongst these groups.
These include the Labour Women's Network, LGBT Labour, BAME Labour
and the Labour Party Disabled Members Group. These groups play
a particularly important role in talent-spotting and supporting
members through mentoring and other means. We welcome any suggestions
from the Speaker's Conference as to how we can formalise and improve
these mechanisms.
The executives of local Labour Parties must contain
officers representing women, BAME members and young members, and
we employ quotas at every level of the Party to ensure that all
committees are gender-balanced. This ensures that at every level
there are women championing diversity, and we will look at new
mechanisms to similarly support and encourage champions from other
diverse groups.
Recommendation 14
A description of the main functions of a Member of
Parliament should be drawn up, agreed between the parties and
published. The description should not remove the scope for MPs
to approach the job of representing their constituency in various
ways; it should contain general principles and main objectives
and tasks, rather than highly detailed prescriptions. Greater
transparency about the terms and conditions under which MPs work
has been achieved since the mid-1990s but the process has not
been completed; nor has it been matched by a clearer explanation
of the role of Members. More is needed. This information should
be consolidated, published (on the internet and in hard copy)
and made widely available to the general public. (Paragraph 87)
The Labour Party already publishes a Job Description
for Members of Parliament and this is readily available to members
on our website. We sent a copy of this to the Speaker's Conference
at an earlier date. The job description and accompanying person
specification are designed to highlight that many different backgrounds
and experiences can be relevant to the role of MP, beyond those
of local council leader and parliamentary researcher/SPAD. We
are particularly keen to stress the relevance of experience such
as juggling work and caring responsibilities; voluntary work;
and trade union activism. We would be happy to work with the Conference
and other parties on a more general job description accessible
to members of the public.
Recommendation 15
It is important to ensure that there is no single
route into politics which is accessible only to a privileged few.
The routes by which future Members come into Parliament should
be monitored and information published by the political parties.
(Paragraph 102)
We absolutely agree with the Conference's conclusion
that many different backgrounds provide relevant experience to
the job of MP. The Labour Party was founded to give working people
a voice in Parliament, and we are proud of our record in opening
up the House to people of diverse backgrounds. Currently the Parliamentary
Labour Party numbers in its ranks former miners, transport workers,
trade union officials, and many who worked in our public services.
We have begun monitoring the professional background of our PPCs,
and will look to improve this in the next parliament.
Recommendation 16
There would be value in the parties being more open
about both the qualities, and the experience, they consider to
be desirable for a prospective parliamentary candidate. If it
becomes clear that certain types of experiencesuch as a
spell as a party employee or as an MP's researcherare preferred,
the parties should consider how those experiences can be made
more accessible. (Paragraph 103)
The Labour Party's job description and person
specification for MPs is freely available to members on our website.
This clearly states the qualities and experiences we consider
desirable in a prospective parliamentary candidate. We stress
that many different types of experience are relevant, and think
we are a more diverse parliamentary party, with a wider range
of expertise because of it.
Whilst knowledge of Parliament and party structures
is useful for an aspiring MP, so too are other forms of experience,
such as knowledge of local government, local campaigns and community
activism. Our affiliated trade unions, who participate fully in
our selections process, provide many opportunities for non-professional
candidates, who nonetheless have extremely relevant experience
for Parliament to draw upon.
We accept that internships and posts as MP's researchers
are many young people's first experience of the political process,
and some may go on to become MPs. It is important that every member
has an equal opportunity to take up such positions, and we will
work with the PLP to ensure this is the case.
Recommendation 17
Greater diversity in our elected representatives
will be achieved only when the culture of our political parties
has been changed. This change in our political parties should
be driven by the changes we see in wider society, which requires
and demands greater diversity in all representative organisations
and bodies. Party leaders can help to challenge stereotypes of
an effective Member, or Minister, by ensuring that MPs from all
backgrounds and communities are able to demonstrate their skills
in positions of prominence, either within Government or within
the party. (Paragraph 104)
We agree that role-models for under-represented
groups are important to breaking down perceptions and stereotypes.
We are proud to have had the:
first Black MPs (Bernie Grant and Diane Abbott);
first Muslim MP (Mohammad Sarwar);
first Asian Minister in the Commons (Keith Vaz);
first Black Cabinet Minister (Paul Boateng);
first Asian and Muslim minister to attend Cabinet
(Sadiq Khan);
first black Leader of the Lords (Baroness Amos);
first Black, and female Attorney General (Patricia
first Black female Minister in the Commons (Dawn
Recommendation 18
Behaviour at selection panels which discriminates
against candidates on grounds of their sex, background or personal
circumstances can never be justified. (Paragraph 112)
The Labour Party's rule book specifically prohibits
such behaviour and where it can be proven, would take strong action
against any individual found to have engaged in such behaviour.
Recommendation 19
Political parties should make diversity awareness
training, advice and support available to party members involved
in candidate selections. (Paragraph 116)
The importance of diversity as a core value of
the Labour Party is highlighted throughout the guidance provided
to CLP procedure secretaries when conducting a selection. We run
special selections training for ethnic minority candidates and
women, and we are looking to extend that to LGBT and disabled
Furthermore, groups such as Labour Women's Network,
BAME Labour, Dorothy's List, and the Labour Party Disabled Members'
Group have provided training and guidance to local parties. Affiliated
organisations, such as trade unions, have also provided their
own training to under-represented groups within their own organisations
who wish to be Labour Party parliamentary candidates.
Recommendation 20
In practice all-women shortlist selections have been
carried out by UK local parties in exactly the same way as traditional
or 'open' selections, in every respect other than the formal requirement
that all the candidates are women. We were told that the role
of the all-women shortlist is solely to reduce the discretion
available to local party selection committees to demonstrate bias
in favour of men. (Paragraph 138)
The Labour Party changed the law to permit political
parties to use positive action to address the shameful under-representation
of women in the House of Commons. Our Conference's subsequent
adoption of All-Women Shortlists had immediate and dramatic results.
Women's representation in the PLP rose from 14% in 1992 to 24%
in 1997 when we used All-Women Shortlists. After they were declared
illegal, at the next election (2001) the number of women in the
PLP fell. Once we changed the law to once again permit All-Women
Shortlists, our number of women MPs rose once again, to 28% in
2005. This year (as at March 2010) 57% of candidates selected
in Labour-held seats are women.
We have never used All-Women Shortlists in a vacuum,
but alongside other measures such as training, mentoring, quotas
on shortlists, etc. However, it is our belief that All-Women Shortlists
are a temporary necessity in order to counter discrimination until
such time as the House is more balanced in composition and the
political culture has changed to one in which people are accustomed
to seeing women in positions of power and influence.
It is important to reiterate that the decision
to adopt All-Women Shortlists was taken by our Conference, reflecting
the views of the majority of our members, rather than imposed
from above. We have since worked hard to maintain and build support
for that policy, and to maintain a dialogue with members who disagree,
especially where controversial decisions have been taken. It will
never be a policy with which every member agrees, and as such
it is important to continually argue the case for it, specifically
that its continuation is a democratic imperative.
There is no doubt that All-Women Shortlists have
been the decisive factor in the improvements that we have made
to our levels of women's representation, and we are disappointed
that other political parties have not followed our lead. There
has never been a country in the world that has significantly increased
its levels of women's representation without the use of positive
action mechanisms to address discrimination.
Recommendation 21
If the number of women MPs in the House of Commons
falls at the 2010 election it will make more pressing the need
for all the main parties to be assertive in their equality policies.
(Paragraph 143)
We are very hopeful, given the progress that we
have made in our selections this parliament, that the number of
women in Parliament will not fall, but rather increase. However,
whether the number of women MPs rises or falls, as long as women
remain so shamefully under-represented in the House, the need
for all main parties to be assertive in their equality policies
will remain pressing for a considerable time to come.
Recommendation 22
We welcome the progress which each of the main parties
has made over recent years towards ensuring that its local selection
procedures are more professional and objective than they have
been in the past. Yet the fact that, in most cases, it remains
more difficult for a candidate who does not fit the "white,
male, middle-class" norm to be selected, particularly if
the seat is considered by their party to be winnable, means that
the case for equality of representation has not yet been won.
It is essential that the leadership of each of the political partieslarge
and smallcontinues to make this case in discussion with
their members and activists, and also takes the measures necessary
to secure progress. (Paragraph 146)
We dispute the premise that it is easier for "white,
male, middle-class" candidates to be selected by the Labour
Party in Labour-held seats. Whilst this might have been true in
the past, since the Labour government passed the Sex Discrimination
(Election Candidates) Act 2002 and we reintroduced All-Women Shortlists,
some in our party have argued that the opposite is true!
The reality is that we have sought to strike a
balance between taking the necessary action to improve women's
representation in our Party, whilst maintaining opportunities
for the many talented men in our ranks who aspire to be MPs. We
believe this is a balance we are maintaining well: in 2005, in
Labour-held seats, 70% selected women; as of March 2010, in Labour-held
seats, 57% have selected women.
We have also selected Black and Asian candidates
in some of our safest seats, and whilst we acknowledge that there
is a lot more to do, these are problems we recognise and are intent
upon addressing.
Recommendation 23
We fully support the proposed extension of the Sex
Discrimination (Election Candidates) Act 2002 to enable the use
of all-women shortlists until 2030. Equivalent enabling legislation
should now be enacted to allow political parties, if they so choose,
to use all-BME shortlists. Like the Sex Discrimination (Election
Candidates) Act 2002 such provision should be time-limited and
should be subject to review prior to 2030. (Paragraph 149)
We are pleased that the government proposes to
extend the Sex Discrimination (Election Candidates) Act 2002,
and that the Conference recognises the value of this move. We
hope that other political parties will follow our lead and introduce
All-Women Shortlists as the swiftest and most effective means
of addressing the under-representation of women.
We also recognise the under-representation of
Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic MPs, and agree that much more
needs to be done to address this. We presently use quotas when
drawing up shortlists for selections to ensure those shortlists
are reflective of the wider community. This ensures that women
and BAME candidates are included on shortlists, even where an
open selection is taking place. This ensures that there is always
at least one BAME candidate on every shortlist (where an All-Women
Shortlist is being used, there must be at least one BAME woman
candidate). We are pleased that we have selected BAME candidates
in some of our safest seats, including some excellent BAME women
However, whilst we think more needs to be done,
there is no consensus amongst our BAME activists, nor the wider
BAME community, that all-BAME shortlists are the best way to address
this under-representation.
Recommendation 24
Candidate selections for the following general election
will begin, for some parties, within the first twelve to eighteen
months of the 2010 Parliament. These selections will be equally
important for securing cultural change within parties and within
the House of Commons. In this context we particularly welcome
the indications from the opposition party leaders that they are
open-minded on the matter of equality guarantees. If the political
parties fail to make significant progress on women's representation
at the 2010 general election, Parliament should give serious consideration
to the introduction of prescriptive quotas, ensuring that all
political parties adopt some form of equality guarantee in time
for the following general election. (Paragraph 156)
We are confident that at our current rate of selections,
we will make significant progress on women's representation at
the 2010 general election.
Nonetheless, the Labour Party is not opposed to
quotas in principle. We use them in the Party to ensure women's
representation at every level, from Constituency Committees, to
Annual Conference, to the National Executive Committee. We also
used a variation on quotas: 'twinning' when selecting seats for
the newly-established Welsh Assembly and Scottish Parliament.
However, imposing quotas on a long-established
Parliament, under the First-Past-the-Post electoral system, presents
practical problems, and would likely encounter public opposition.
The Sex Discrimination (Election Candidates) Act provides political
parties with every opportunity to take steps to address under-representation.
We would encourage all political parties to take full advantage
of the Act's provisions. If all political parties had taken the
same steps we have since 1997, there would be substantially more
women in Parliament today.
Recommendation 25
We welcome the openness of all three main party leadersRt.
Hon. Gordon Brown MP, Rt. Hon. David Cameron MP and Rt. Hon. Nick
Clegg MPto the principle of publishing monitoring data
in relation to candidate selections. This is an important indication
of the commitment of all three main parties to the promotion of
fairer representation in Parliament. We recommend that all political
parties registered under part 2 of the Political Parties, Elections
and Referendums Act 2000 should be required to publish details
of their candidate selections online every six months, on 31 March
and 31 October, setting out, for each potential candidate at each
stage of the selection process, the following information:
(a) the administrative region in which the selection
took place;
(b) the method by which the candidate was selected;
(c) whether the party:
(i) currently holds the seat for which the candidate
was selected; or
(ii) came second or third in the seat at the last
general election within a margin of less than 5% of the votes
cast; or
(iii) came second or third in the seat at the last
general election within a margin of more than five per cent but
less than ten per cent of the votes cast;
(d) the sex of the candidate;
(e) the ethnicity of the candidate; and
(f) whether the candidate is willing to identify
as a disabled person.
The reports might also include the following information:
(a) where a candidate is willing to identify as a
disabled person, the nature of the impairment;
(b) where a candidate is willing to state his or
her sexual orientation, the sexual orientation of the candidate;
(c) the age of the candidate;
(d) the occupation of the candidate at the time of
selection; and
(e) the highest level of the candidate's educational
attainment. (Paragraph 160)
Monitoring provides extremely valuable information
in determining the extent of under-representation, and the pace
of progress to address it, and we are pleased that the Conference
recognises its importance.
We have monitored candidates by region, selection
method, gender, and race for some years, as the Conference will
have seen from the extensive data we provided. More recently we
have begun monitoring disability, age, and occupation, and will
look to improve this monitoring in the next Parliament. On sexual
orientation, we have taken guidance from LGBT Labour, who provide
us with the names of MPs and candidates who have advised them
they are willing to openly state their sexual orientation. Given
the sensitivities involved, we would prefer to continue with this
approach. We are happy to add educational attainment to the list
of factors we monitor.
As far as publishing this data, we are happy in
principle, but would want to work with the Conference to ensure
that candidates could not be identified from data given to us
in confidence, and to ensure that data protection regulations
are not breached.
We also believe that such an exercise, whilst
valuable, should not place too onerous a burden on the parties'
financial resources and staff time. Some seats receive hundreds,
if not thousands, of applicants, most of whom are swiftly eliminated
at the long-listing stage of a selection as not having met the
person specification. To monitor all of these candidates, at every
stage of the process would be onerous and do little to meet our
shared objectives. Similarly, we anticipate that there are easier
ways to establish a seat's marginality than complex calculations
involving majorities and percentages. However, we anticipate that
these are minor difficulties and look forward to working with
the Conference in resolving them.
Recommendation 26
Following the 2010 general election all political
parties represented at Westminster should publish a statement
setting out the current proportion of their Parliamentary party
which is: female; from a BME community; and/or identifies as a
disabled person. The statement should also set out what proportion
of the Parliamentary party the national party would like to see
appearing in each of these categories in December 2015 and December
2020. This statement should be published by December 2010. In
December 2015 and December 2020 the parties should publish further
statements setting out what progress they have made towards just
representation within the parliamentary party, compared to the
2010 baseline and the percentage of each group within the UK population
as a whole. These reports should also include an evaluation of
the mechanisms the parties have used to secure progress. (Paragraph
We believe targets are important benchmarks against
which to measure progress and provide an incentive to faster,
more effective action. We would be happy to publish and evaluate
our progress on a cross-party basis such as that described.
Paragraphs 28
We do not doubt that party leaders are sincere when
they say that they want better access for disabled people. We
recognise that they may be finding it difficult to make sure their
policies are carried out at a local level where it matters. Nevertheless
the shortage of funds must not be an excuse for local parties
failing to make proper arrangements for disabled people to play
their part in politics. (Paragraph 199)
We agree that access is essential in ensuring
that disabled people play a full role in public life. Whilst resources
are always constrained in local parties, they also have the benefit
of being relatively flexible in their arrangements. We have therefore
worked closely with the Labour Party Disabled Members Group to
develop an accessibility guide which has been sent to all local
parties to make them aware of their responsibility to hold fully
accessible meetings and conduct their business in a way which
reflects their commitment to involving people with different accessibility
However, we accept that there is more work to
be done to ensure that local parties are fully complying with
our accessibility guidelines, and we will look at developing processes
through our Regional Offices to ensure that all local party officers
are fully up-to-date with accessibility guidelines.
Recommendation 30
We believe that all political parties should make
it easier for disabled people to play a full part in party activities,
initially by setting out a clear policy on access. At national
level, this would mean for instance making sure that campaign
documents are produced in Braille and other formats, that websites
are easy to use for people with sight impairments, and that BSL
interpretation or speech-to-text technology is available at major
events. (Paragraph 201)
We produce an accessibility guide for disabled
members that clearly sets out our policy on accessibility. We
also provide BSL at all major events. Our website is designed
to be accessible to disabled members, and we invite feedback as
to how we can improve on this. Whilst we would find it prohibitively
expensive to produce all campaign literature and party documents
in Braille, we promote the fact that we are happy to produce documents
in alternative formats on a case by case basis, such as for blind
delegates at Annual Conference. We constantly solicit feedback
as to what more we can be doing in this area, and would be willing
to consider any further suggestions the Conference might have.
Recommendation 31
But there also needs to be a realistic policy for
local parties, encouraging co-operation and making the best of
the limited money available. The ideas and practical suggestions
set out in the guide and handbook produced by the Labour Party
Disabled Members' Group would form a good basis for this policy,
for all political parties. (Paragraph 202)
We are pleased that the Conference recognises
the good work of the Labour Party Disabled Members' Group, and
their efforts to support the Party in promoting accessible and
inclusive local CLPs.
Recommendation 32
All political parties should place a ceiling upon
the expenses which candidates can incur during any single selection
process. (Paragraph 212)
We did not recognise some of the large sums, running
into the thousands, that were cited during evidence to the Speaker's
Conference as the costs involved in running for Parliamentary
selection. Indeed, in the Labour Party we have found that candidates
who have spent large sums on leaflets and other campaign materials
have found it to be counter-productive.
However, we do accept that lack of resources should
never be a barrier to selection. Several internal groups, including
Emily's List, Bernie's List, Dorothy's List and our affiliated
trade unions, provide financial support to aspirant candidates,
and we will look to see how that level of support can be improved
to reach all candidates who are in financial or practical difficulty
in selection campaigns.
Recommendation 34
There is overwhelming evidence that shortage of money
and the necessity of additional expenditure to support disabled
people through candidacy, make finance a particularly significant
barrier to elected office for disabled people. Disabled people
should be able to fight for parliamentary seats without having
to face the complicated financial barriers that confront them
at present. This is not a question of political advantage, but
a simple matter of achieving just representation. (Paragraph 220)
We entirely agree that lack of money should not
be a barrier to those wanting to be MPs, and as detailed above,
there are numerous internal Labour Party organisations which provide
assistance to those in financial need. However, we are not complacent,
and recognise there may be those whose particular needs may mean
money is still a problem. We look forward to working with the
Speaker's Conference to consider and consult on the various ways
additional financial support for such candidates might be obtained.
Recommendation 35
We therefore believe that the Government should urgently
consider, as part of the Democracy Diversity Fund, a ring-fenced
scheme to support disabled parliamentary candidates. This scheme
for disabled candidates should use as its model the Access to
Public Life Fund which has been proposed by Scope. The scheme
should be devised and operated by the Department for Work and
Pensions, and should be administered in the same way as the Access
to Work scheme. (Paragraph 221)
We recognise that those with disabilities may
have additional mobility and other needs that necessitate additional
expenditure. We are happy to consult with the government, Speaker's
Conference, and other parties on the best way to address this.
Recommendations 36-38
A measure which could help to reduce the burden on
candidates would be for the Government to legislate to give approved
prospective parliamentary candidates who are employees the right
to request a reasonable amount of unpaid leave during working
hours and/or a right to work flexibly for the purposes of campaigning.
This would also, symbolically, recognise that the action of standing
for election, whether or not the candidate is successful, is an
essential part of our democratic process and of public benefit.
(Paragraph 223)
The Government should legislate to enable approved
prospective parliamentary candidates who are employees to take
unpaid leave, rather than resigning their employment, for the
period from the dissolution of Parliament to election day (Paragraph
We recognise that, in the first instance, making
such leave unpaid protects employers from any suggestion that
they may be improperly financing a political campaign. In the
long term we would like the Government to move to a position where
candidates are entitled to receive a grant from the state equivalent
to the minimum wage for the period sometimes known as the short
campaign. (Paragraph 224)
We recognise that some candidates may experience
a lack of understanding from their employer that might make it
difficult for them to participate properly in selection contests.
We are happy to consult with the government, Speaker's Conference,
and other parties on the best way to address this.
Recommendation 39
Each central political party should consider drawing
up statements of expectation setting out the role, and the reasonable
demands which may be made, of both prospective parliamentary candidates
and local party associations in different types of seat. (Paragraph
We already produce a job description and person
specification for parliamentary candidates that outlines the role
of MP and some of the demands it entails. We will consult with
our relevant stakeholders and look to drawing up a formal statement
of expectation for both candidates and local parties after the
2010 election.
Recommendation 40
First-time candidates, in particular, would benefit
from the establishment of formal mentoring schemes and/or 'buddy
systems' which can provide pastoral support and independent advice
on issues arising within the constituency. (Paragraph 230)
We strongly believe that mentoring schemes offer
first-time candidates (and even those just considering putting
themselves forward for selection) a hugely valuable insight and
support mechanism. We have launched a formal mentoring scheme
for women candidatesWinning with Women'which is
co-ordinated by the Women's PLP (the group of Labour women MPs).
This scheme ensures that every woman candidate is offered a woman
mentor in the PLP who can help them with both practical advice
and pastoral support. We recently extended this scheme, working
with the Labour Women's Network, to link women who are keen to
put themselves forward for selection with women MPs who can provide
them with support and advice about the selection process. We also
work with the Youth and Student sections of our Party to ensure
that young women members who are keen to gain experience or find
out more about what public life entails are offered a mentor relevant
to the section of public life they are consideringbe that
Westminster, Local Government or the devolved governments.
The regional groupings of MPs within the PLP also
oversee a mechanism through which new MPs are supported by longer-standing
MPs from the same region, helping to introduce new members to
Parliamentary life and processes.
We believe the opportunities provided by the mentoring
schemes we already have in place would be beneficial to other
under-represented groups within the Party, and we will look at
ways to extend the systems currently operating to that end.
Recommendation 41
Regional or central party officials should also consider
whether further training support might be beneficial to candidates
who have limited experience of formal management, team building
and leadership roles. (Paragraph 231)
We currently hold a series of training events
for parliamentary candidates, designed to prepare them with the
skills needed for public life, including media training and public
speaking. This training is part of a national programme, but candidate
training also takes place at a regional level throughout the selections
cycle. We regularly consult candidates on their training needs,
and we will consult new MPs entering the next Parliament on whether
additional training would have been helpful to them, so as to
inform our next cycle of training events for new candidates.
Recommendation 42
We believe it should be possible for each Parliamentary
party to maintain a list of individuals from under-represented
groups, perhaps nominated by stakeholder organisations, who might
by this means be notified of internships and temporary vacancies
arising in Members' offices. All reasonable adjustment costs for
the successful applicant should be funded for the duration of
the appointment. We invite the political parties to work with
stakeholder organisations to establish how this can best be done.
(Paragraph 237)
We are keen to develop systems that will enable
party members keen to gain experience in a political office the
opportunity to do so through an internship. Currently an informal
system is in place through the Youth and Student Sections, but
we appreciate the need to widen this opportunity to other sections.
We find that arrangements and systems for other under-represented
groups are very informal, and are co-ordinated through the relevant
group. For example LGBT Labour would assist an LGBT member who
wanted to gain some direct experience by helping them to arrange
an internship with one of our LGBT MPs. We recognise that these
informal systems need to be tightened and formalised to ensure
that everyone who wishes to access such opportunities is able
to. We welcome any recommendations that the Speaker's Conference
can provide as to how to do this most effectively.
Recommendation 44
The parties should each draw up a formal code of
conduct for campaigning. This should make clear that campaigning
is unacceptable where it seeks to undermine a candidate by reference
to his or her family life, racial background, sexual orientation,
health status or disability. These codes of conduct should be
in place in time for the 2010 general election. (Paragraph 244)
We are happy to enter a cross-party formal code
of conduct for campaigning. There is no place for discrimination
on the grounds of race, gender, sexual orientation, health status
or disability in any election campaign.
Recommendations 45-48
The inflexibility of Parliament's working practices
(which are partly institutional and partly the result of the way
that the political parties work), together with the increasingly
heavy workload of constituency demands, combine to create a lifestyle
which is detrimental to Members with caring responsibilities,
both for children and other dependents. (Paragraph 249)
In recent months there has been a push at Westminster
to change many of the ways in which the House of Commons operates.
The ultimate outcome of the various reviews and inquiries which
are being conducted ought to be a revitalised House with much
clearer rules, better accountability and, possibly, greater independence.
If such changes are considered and implemented effectively they
should benefit us all. There is, however, an opportunity within
these changes also to make the House of Commons a more flexible,
humane and responsible institution which, while it requires greater
probity of those within it, also takes greater account of the
circumstances in which each individual works. (Paragraph 251)
A diverse workforce for Parliament is not an aspiration
but an imperative. It is essential to the House's credibility
that the participation of Members who have young families and/or
other caring responsibilities is maintained and supported. This
must be kept in mind by all who are engaged in the current process
of Commons reform. (Paragraph 253)
Maternity, paternity and caring leave is an issue
which all three main parliamentary parties have as yet failed
to take fully seriously. (Paragraph 263)
As a Party we are extremely proud of our record
in this area. Labour extended paid maternity leave to 39 weeks,
which has now been increased to £123.06 a week. New mothers
now have the right to 9 months paid maternity leave and up to
a year in total. We have extended parental leave so that fathers
have a right to paid paternity leave for the first time. New fathers
now have the right to two weeks paid time off when their baby
is born. Labour also introduced the right to request flexible
working for parents of disabled children, and has extended this
to cover carers of adults.
We introduced the rights for parents of young
children to request flexible working from their employerand
from April 2009 we extended this to parents of all children up
to 16, benefiting around 4.5 million parents. In addition, all
parents and carers now have the right to time off to deal with
unexpected problems such as family illness.
However, we recognise the need to ensure that
MPs feel able to take up these rights just as other UK citizens
are, and are willing to work with the House Authorities, other
parties and the Speaker's Conference to address any existing problems.
Recommendation 49
Each Parliamentary party should draw up a formal
statement of policy on maternity, paternity and caring leave.
This should set out clearly the minimum level of support which
an individual requesting leave may expect from his or her party,
and the steps which the individual should take to arrange a period
of leave. Such statements should be agreed by party leaders, and
published on party websites and in the party whip, by the end
of 2010. (Paragraph 264)
The PLP does not presently hold formal policy
in this area, though every effort is made to accommodate the individual
needs of Members of Parliament. In part this is due to the unique
employment status of a Member of Parliament.
With regards to authorised absence from the Government
Whip on maternity, paternity or other caring leavethis
is agreed with individual members. These are informal, flexible
agreements that suit the needs of the individual Member. We have
sought and received very positive feedback from the Members concerned
on how these arrangements operate in practice.
Recommendation 53-54
It would be better if Members' requests for caring
or sickness leave were less subject to the state of relations
between the parties and the turn of events. We believe that greater
transparency about the organisation of pairing would help. We
therefore recommend that the business managers for each Parliamentary
party should regularly brief their Members about the process of
pairing, the requests they have received for pairing and whether
or not it has been possible to agree to those requests. (Paragraph
The sitting hours of the House should again be reviewed,
and voted upon by the House, early in the new Parliament. Ideally,
sitting time for the main chamber should be brought in line with
what is considered to be normal business hours. Respecting the
difficulty of achieving this, given the multiplicity of other
duties inside and outside the Palace of Westminster carried out
by Members, we recommend a substantial further development of
deferred voting in order to facilitate a more family friendly
approach to sitting arrangements and unscheduled (unprogrammed)
votes. Further consideration should be given to modern methods
of voting to facilitate a more efficient and practical use of
time, in line with other legislatures. (Paragraph 286)
We are proud of the modernisation of Parliament
that has taken place since 1997, though we recognise there is
more to do. We are happy to work with the Speaker's Conference,
the House Authorities and other parties as to how best this can
be achieved to ensure caring responsibilities are no barrier to
a successful career in Parliament.
Recommendations 70-71
We, like the Commission on Candidate Selection before
us, would wish to see an end to strident, hostile and intrusive
reporting of politicians' private lives which is destructive not
only of those individuals but also of their families, relationships,
and of the democratic process itself. (Paragraph 343)
We acknowledge that Members as well as outside commentators
have been known to abuse other Members, of their own and other
parties. Such behaviour among colleagues would not be considered
acceptable in most professions and brings the profession of Parliamentarian
into disrepute. Members should treat their colleagues, across
all parties, with courtesy. (Paragraph 344)
We entirely agree that in a 21st
century Parliament MPs should treat their opponents and their
colleagues with respect, and discrimination should not be tolerated.
Public trust in Parliament is low, and it is essential that it
be restored as soon as possible. Having a Parliament that looks
like the communities it represents is one way to reconnect with
the electorate. We are proud that we have led the way upon this
issue, but recognise that we can build on our successes and do
very much more. We welcome any support the Speaker's Conference
can give us in addressing inequality within our own ranks.