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Session 2004-05

Oral and Written Evidence


*21 April 2005 HC 527ISBN 0 21 502455 9£4.00
Minutes of Proceedings
* 14 April 2005 Fourth Special ReportDFID's bilateral programme of assistance to India: Government Response to the Committee's Third Report of Session 2004-05
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HC 506Purchase this title
* 14 April 2005 Seventh ReportDevelopment assistance in Iraq: Interim Report
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HC 244Purchase this title
* 6 April 2005 Sixth ReportFair trade? The European Union's trade agreements with African, Caribbean and Pacific countries
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HC 68Purchase this title
Click here to view the Government's Response to the International Development Committee's Report on Fair trade? The European Union's trade agreements with African, Caribbean and Pacific countries
* 5 April 2005 Third Special ReportThe Commission for Africa and Policy Coherence for Development: First do no harm: Government Response to the Committee's First Report of Session 2004-05
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HC 494Purchase this title
* 30 March 2005 Fifth ReportDarfur, Sudan: The responsibility to protect
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HC 67-IPurchase this title
Oral and Written Evidence - HTML version (browsable)
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HC 67-IIPurchase this title
Click here to view the Government's Response to the International Development Committee's Report on Darfur, Sudan
* 24 March 2005 First Joint Report/Fourth ReportStrategic Export Controls - HMG's Annual Report for 2003, Licensing Policy and Parliamentary Scrutiny
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HC 145Purchase this title
* 21 February 2005 Third ReportDFID's bilateral programme of assistance to India
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HC 124-IPurchase this title
Oral and Written Evidence - HTML version (browsable)
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HC 124-IIPurchase this title
* 21 February 2005 Second ReportWork of the Committee in 2004
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HC 326Purchase this title
* 21 February 2005 Second Special ReportDepartment for International Development: Departmental Report 2004: Government Response to the Committee's Eighth Report of Session 2003-04
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HC 327Purchase this title
* 20 December 2004 First Special ReportMigration and Development: How to make migration work for poverty reduction: Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2003-04
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Letter from the Department for International Development, correcting an error in the appendix contained in the 1st Special Report - PDF version PDF
HC 163Purchase this title
* 16 December 2004 First ReportThe Commission for Africa and Policy Coherence for Development: First do no harm
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HC 123Purchase this title

Oral and Written Evidence

* 15 March 2005Conflict and development
Oral Evidence given by Professor Robert Picciotto, King’s College London, Mr Dan Smith, Secretary General, International Alert and Mr Andy McLean, Deputy Director, Saferworld, Dr Bruce Jones, Senior Officer, Office of the Special Adviser for Follow-Up to High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change, UN Secretary-General’s Office, Mr Tidjane Thiam, Peace and Security Commissioner, Commission for Africa and Mr Javier Nino-Perez, Conflict Prevention Unit, European Commission, External Relations Directorate General, Mr Michael Mosselmans, Head of Conflict and Humanitarian Affairs Department and Ms Barbara Hendrie, Head of Security and Development Team, Department for International Development, Mr Paul Schulte, Head, Post Conflict Reconstruction Unit, Ms Joan Link, Head of Conflict Issues Group, Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Mr Gavin Barlow, Director of Policy Planning, Ministry of Defence: uploaded on 14 April 2005

HC 464-i
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* 9 February 2005 and 10 March 2005Responses to the Asian Tsunami Disaster
Oral Evidence given by Mr Jan Egeland, Under Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, and Mr Oliver Ulich, Humanitarian Affairs Officer, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs:
Oral Evidence given by Rt Hon Hilary Benn, a Member of the House, Secretary of State for International Development, and Mr Peter Troy, Humanitarian Programmes Manager, Conflict and Humanitarian Affairs Department (CHAD), Department for International Development:
Written evidence uploaded on 7 April 2005

HC 328
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Session 2003-04
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