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Public Bill Committees Debates on Bills
General Committee Debates

Housing and Regeneration Bill Committee

Here you can browse the debates in the House of Commons Public Bill Committee on the Housing and Regeneration Bill:

*Membership of the Committee
*Latest version of the Bill


Report of proceedings

*17th sitting31 January 2008 (morning)
*16th sitting29 January 2008 (afternoon)
*15th sitting29 January 2008 (morning)
*14th sitting24 January 2008 (afternoon)
*13th sitting24 January 2008 (morning)
*12th sitting22 January 2008 (afternoon)
*11th sitting22 January 2008 (morning)
*10th sitting17 January 2008 (afternoon)
*9th sitting17 January 2008 (morning)
*8th sitting15 January 2008 (afternoon)
*7th sitting15 January 2008 (morning)
*6th sitting10 January 2008 (afternoon)
*5th sitting10 January 2008 (morning)
*4th sitting13 December 2007 (afternoon)
*3rd sitting13 December 2007 (morning)
*2nd sitting11 December 2007 (afternoon)
*1st sitting11 December 2007 (morning)


Associated Memoranda

* Memorandum in Chief - Memorandum submitted by Defend Council Housing (H&R 1)
* Memorandum in Chief - Memorandum submitted by National Housing Federation (H&R 2)
* Memorandum in Chief - Memorandum submitted by Local Government Association (H&R 3)
* Memorandum in Chief - Memorandum submitted by RADAR (H&R 4)
* Memorandum submitted by Northamptonshire County Council (H&R 5 – i)
* Memorandum submitted by Northamptonshire County Council (H&R 5 – ii)
* Memorandum submitted by Northamptonshire County Council (H&R 5 – iii)
* Memorandum in Chief - Memorandum submitted by London Councils (H&R 6)
* Memorandum in Chief - Memorandum submitted by Campaign to Protect Rural England (H&R 7)
* Memorandum submitted by the Mayor of London (H&R 9)
* Memorandum submitted by The Places for People Group (H&R 10)
* Memorandum submitted by Local Government Association and Chartered Institute of Housing (H&R 11)
* Memorandum submitted by UNISON (H&R 12)