House of Commons
The Code of Conduct
Here you can browse the Code of Conduct which was ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 22 June 2009.
The Code of Conduct for Members
of Parliament
II. Scope of the Code
III. Public Duties of Members
IV. General Principles of Conduct
V. Rules of Conduct
VI. Registration and Declaration
of Interests
VII. Duties in respect of the
Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards and the Committee on
Standards and Privileges
The Guide to the Rules relating
to the conduct of Members
1. Registration of Members'
Financial Interests
Definition of the Register's
Duties of Members in respect
of registration
Publication and public inspection
The Categories of Registrable
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
Category 5
Category 6
Category 7
Category 8
Category 9
Category 10
Category 11
Category 12
Note on permissible donations
and loans
Agreements for the provision
of services
2. Declaration of Members'
Past and potential interests
Declaration of interest in
respect of written notices
Declaration of interest in
applications for adjournment or emergency debates
Declaration of interest in
select committees
Rule on declaration of interests
relating to Private Bills
Other occasions when declaration
of interest should be considered
3. Lobbying for Reward or Consideration
The 1947, 1995, and 2002
Guidelines on the application
of the ban on lobbying for reward or consideration
Parameters to the operation
of the ban on lobbying for reward or consideration
Responsibility of the Member
4. Procedure for Complaints
Registration and Declaration
of Members' Financial Interests
Resolutions of 22nd May 1974:
Members' Financial Interests (Declaration), amended on 9th February
Resolution of 12th June 1975,
amended on 19th July 1995 and 9th February 2009: Members' Financial
Interests (Declaration)
Resolution of 12th June 1975:
Members' Financial Interests (Declaration)
Resolution of 17th December
1985: Register of Members' Financial Interests
Resolution of 6th November
1995, amended on 14th May 2002 and 9th February 2009: Agreements
for the Provision of Services
Resolution of 13th July 1992:
Members' Interests (Interests of Chairmen and members of Select
Resolution of 30th April 2009:
Registration of Members' Financial Interests
Lobbying for Reward or Consideration
Resolution of 2nd May 1695:
Against offering Bribes to Members
Resolution of 22nd June 1858:
Rewards to Members
Resolution of 15th July 1947,
amended on 6th November 1995 and 14th May 2002: Conduct of Members
Resolution of 6th November
1995: Standards in Public Life
Resolution of 19th July 1995:
Code of Conduct
Resolution of 24th July 1996:
Code of Conduct
Resolution of 14th May 2002,
amended on 9th February 2009: Code of Conduct
Resolution of 13th July 2005:
Standards and Privileges
Resolution of 27th March 2008,
amended on 9th February 2009: Standards and Privileges
Resolution of 9th February
2009: Guide to the Rules Relating to the Conduct of Members
Appendix to The Guide to the
Rules: Resolutions of the House relating to the Conduct of Members
Index to The Guide to the Rules