European Union - Twenty-First Report
Here you can browse the report which was ordered by the House of Lords to be printed 15 July 2008.
Terms of Reference
FOREWORDWhat this report is about
Chapter 1: Introduction and Factual Background
Purpose and Scope of this Inquiry, Structure
of this Report
Managing Fisheries: Challenges
Managing Fisheries: Tools
Box 1: Fishing Mortality
Box 2: Discards
The CFP: History & Evolution
Box 3: Main Shortcomings of the Common Fisheries
Policy in 2002
Box 4: Licensing of Fishing Vessels
The Distribution of Fishing Opportunities
The Fisheries Sector
Box 5: Production and Trade in Fish and Fisheries
Box 6: Size and Structure of the Catch Industry
Chapter 2: The Progress of the Common Fisheries
Policy since 2002
Recovery and Management Plans
Witnesses' Views
Adoption of Plans
Results Delivered
Reviewing Recovery and Management Plans
Committee's Conclusions
Structural Policy
Box 7: Member States' efforts during 2006
to achieve a sustainable balance between fishing capacity and
fishing opportunities
Box 8: European Fisheries Fund Priority Axes
Witnesses' Views
Capacity Reductions Since 2002
Prospects for Decommissioning
Measuring Overcapacity
Committee's Conclusions
Control and Enforcement
Box 9: European Court of Auditors Report
on control, inspection and sanction systems
Witnesses' Views
Challenges and Deficiencies
Current and Recent Initiatives
Culture of Compliance
Box 10: The Scottish Conservation Credits
Box 11: Cod Avoidance Plans
The Community Fisheries Control Agency
Review of the Control Regime
Demand-Side Measures
Committee's Conclusions
Regional Advisory Councils
Box 12: Regional Advisory Councils
Witnesses' Views
The Establishment of the RACs
The Performance of the RACs
Composition of the RACs
Resourcing of the RACs
The Future Role of the RACs
Committee's Conclusions
Chapter 3: Ongoing Challenges
Witnesses' Views
TACs and Quotas
Effort Restrictions
Selective Gear
Management Response Times
Committee's Conclusions
Witnesses' Views
Reducing Discard Levels
Banning Discards
Committee's Conclusions
Rights-based Management
Box 13: Quota Management in the UK
Witnesses' Views
Allocating Fishing Rights
Transferability of Fishing Rights
National and International Transfers
Box 14: The Factortame Case
Committee's Conclusions
Witnesses' Views
Decentralising the CFP
Repatriating the CFP
The Commission's Vision
Stakeholders' Reservations
Committee's Conclusions
From 2002 to 2012: Reforming the CFP
Chapter 4: Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations
The Progress of the Common Fisheries
Policy since 2002
Recovery and Management Plans
Structural Policy
Control and Enforcement
Regional Advisory Councils
Ongoing Challenges
Management Tools
Rights-based Management
From 2002 to 2012: Reforming the CFP
Appendix 1: Sub-Committee D (Environment
and Agriculture)
Appendix 2: List of Witnesses
Appendix 3: Call for Evidence
Appendix 4: Glossary of main fisheries terms
used in the Report
Appendix 5: Recent Reports
NOTE: References in the text of the report are as
(Q) refers to a question in oral evidence
(p) refers to a page of written evidence
(Para) refers to a paragraph of written evidence
The evidence received in the course of this inquiry
is published in Volume II (HL Paper 146-II)
5 March 2008
12 March 2008
19 March 2008
26 March 2008
2 April 2008
23 April 2008
30 April 2008
1 May 2008
7 May 2008
8 May 2008
11 June 2008
Written Evidence