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House of Lords
Session 2007-08
Publications on the internet
European Union Committee Publications

European Union - Written Evidence [Back to Report]

Here you can browse the Written Evidence which were ordered by the House of Lords to be printed 26 February 2008.


Memorandum by the Brethren Christian Fellowship

Memorandum by the Centre for European Reform

Memorandum by Professor Damian Chalmers, London School of Economics and Political Science

Memorandum by DG Justice, Freedom and Security, European Commission

Memorandum by Mr Torquil Dick-Erikson

Memorandum by Mr Brendan Donnelly, Director of the Federal Trust (evidence submitted in a personal capacity)

Memorandum by Mr Andrew Duff MEP

Memorandum by Professor Jacqueline Dutheil de la Roche"re, University Paris II (Panthéon-Assas)

Memorandum by Sir David Edward

Memorandum by EUROJUST

Memorandum by Fair Trials International

Memorandum by Maria Fletcher, Lecturer in European Law, University of Glasgow (Comments are submitted on an individual basis only)

Memorandum by The Freedom Association (TFA)

Memorandum by JUSTICE

Memorandum by Professor Maria Kaiafa-Gbandi

Memorandum by The Law Society of Scotland

Memorandum by Dr Valsamis Mitsilegas, Queen Mary University of London

Memorandum by Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne MEP

Memorandum by Mrs Anne Palmer JP

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