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European Union

Here you can browse documents of the European Union Committee arranged with the most recently published document at the top of each section.

Session 2008-2009

Oral and Written Evidence
Progress of Scrutiny


Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords10 November 2009European Union Committee
Twenty-fifth Report
The Stockholm Programme: home affairs
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HL 175
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Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords10 November 2009European Union Committee
Twenty-fourth Report
Government and Commission Responses Session 2007-08; Remaining Government Responses Session 2006-07
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HL 168
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Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords10 November 2009European Union Committee
Twenty-second Report
The revision of the EU Directive on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes
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HL 164-I
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HL 164-II
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Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords9 November 2009European Union Committee
Twenty-third Report
Annual Report 2009
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HL 167
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Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords30 July 2009Twentieth Report The EC Budget 2010
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HL 146
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Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords27 July 2009Twenty-First ReportGreen Paper on the Brussels I Regulation
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HL 148
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Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords22 July 2009Nineteenth ReportMoney laundering and the financing of terrorism
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HL 132-I
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HL 132-II
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Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords21 July 2009Seventeenth ReportCodecision and national parliamentary scrutiny
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HL 125
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Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords15 July 2009Eighteenth ReportEU Consumer Rights Directive: getting it right
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HL 126-I
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HL 126-II
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Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords13 July 2009Sixteenth ReportThe EU's Renewable Energy Target and the Revision of the Emissions Trading System: Follow-up report
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HL 123
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Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords18 June 2009Fifteenth ReportAccess to EU Documents
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HL 108
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Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords17 June 2009Fourteenth ReportThe future of EU financial regulation and supervision
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HL 106-I
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HL 106-II
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Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords10 June 2009Twelfth ReportEuropean Contract Law: the Draft Common Frame of Reference
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HL 95
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Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords4 June 2009Thirteenth ReportThe Review of the Less Favoured Areas Scheme
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HL 98
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Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords2 June 2009Tenth ReportRecast of the First Rail Freight Package
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HL 90-I
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HL 90-II
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Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords28 May 2009Eleventh ReportCorrespondence with Ministers - May to October 2007
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HL 92
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Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords11 May 2009Ninth ReportProcedural rights in EU criminal proceedings-an update
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HL 84
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Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords28 April 2009Eighth ReportPriorities of the European Union: evidence from the Ambassador of the Czech Republic and the Minister for Europe
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HL 76
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Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords24 March 2009Seventh ReportThe United Kingdom opt-in: problems with amendment and codification
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HL 55
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Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords11 March 2009Sixth ReportCivil Protection and Crisis Management in the European Union
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HL 43
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Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords10 March 2009Fifth ReportMobile Phone Charges in the EU: Follow-up Report
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HL 42
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Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords24 February 2009Fourth ReportHealthcare across EU borders: a safe framework
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HL 30-I
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HL 30-II
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Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords12 February 2009Third ReportAfter Georgia. The EU and Russia: Follow-Up Report
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HL 26
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Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords6 February 2009Second ReportEnhanced scrutiny of EU legislation with a United Kingdom opt-in
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HL 25
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Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords15 December 2008First ReportEU Legislative Initiatives in Response to the Financial Turmoil
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HL 3
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Oral and Written Evidence
European Union Select Committee
Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords 10 November 2009 October European Council
    Corrected oral evidence given by Chris Bryant MP, Minister for Europe, Paul Williams, Head of Europe Global Group and Craig Fulton, Deputy Head, Europe Strategy Group, Foreign & Commonwealth Office PDF
Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords 21 July 2009 Priorities of the Swedish Presidency
    Corrected oral evidence given by HE Mr Staffan Carlsson, Swedish Ambassador and Ms Ami Larsson Jain, First Secretary PDF
Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords 14 July 2009 June European Council
    Corrected oral evidence given by Baroness Kinnock of Holyhead, a Member of the House, Minister for Europe, and Mr Matthew Rycroft CBE, EU Director, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, PDF
Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords 5 May 2009 March European Council
    Corrected oral evidence given by Rt Hon Caroline Flint MP, Minister for Europe, Ms Alison Rose, Head of Communications, Institutions, Treaty & Iberia Group, Europe Directorate, and Mr Ananda Guha, Deputy Head, Europe Strategy Group, Foreign & Commonwealth Office PDF
Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords 3 February 2009 December European Council
    Corrected oral evidence given by Rt Hon Caroline Flint MP, Minister for Europe, and Ananda Guha, Deputy Head Europe Strategy Group, Foreign & Commonwealth Office PDF: uploaded on 26 March 2009
Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords 20 January 2009 Priorities for the Czech Presidency
    Corrected oral evidence given by His Excellency Mr Jan Winkler, Ambassador of the Czech Republic, and Mr Miroslav Kolatek, Deputy Head of Mission (20 January 2009)PDF: uploaded on 4 March 2009
Sub-Committee A - Economic and Financial Affairs, and International Trade
Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords 10 November 2009 EU Financial Regulation and Supervision follow up inquiry
    Corrected Oral Evidence given by Lord Myners, Financial Services Secretary, HM Treasury (10 November 2009)PDF: uploaded on 11 December 2009 
Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords 14 July 2009 EU legislative initiatives in response to the financial turmoil
    Corrected Oral Evidence given by Lord Myners, Financial Services Secretary, and Ms Sue Lewis, Head of Savings and Investment (HM Treasury) PDF
Sub-Committee B - Internal Market
Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords 13 July 2009 One-off evidence session on DEFRA’s scrutiny process
    Corrected Oral Evidence given by Dame Helen Ghosh, Permanent Secretary, and Mr David Steele, Head of Branch, EUIC, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs PDF
Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords 29 June 2009 Galileo
    Corrected Oral Evidence given by Mr Paul Verhoef, Head of Unit, EU Satellite Navigation Programmes; Infrastructure Deployment and Exploitation, and Ms Catherine Kavvada, Acting Head of Unit for the Galileo Unit dealing with financial and legal matters, DG TREN (29 June 2009) PDF: uploaded on 9 September 2009
Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords 22 June 2009 Galileo
    Corrected Oral Evidence given by Ms Ann Sta, Head, Galileo Programme Division, Department for Transport (22nd June 2009)PDF: uploaded on 9 September 2009
Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords 8 June 2009 One-off evidence session on Intelligent Transport Systems
    Corrected Oral Evidence given by Paul Clark MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State; Patricia Hayes, Director of Road and Vehicle Safety and Standards Directorate; Serena Cussons, Transport Technology and Finance Division, Department for Transport (8th June 2009)PDF: uploaded on 6 July 2009
Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords 09 February 2009 Sub-Committee B - One-off evidence session on the Second Strategic Energy Review
    Corrected Oral Evidence given by Mr Tim Abraham, Director, European Energy; Mr Duarte Figueira, Director, Office for Renewable Energy Deployment; Mr Tom Bastin, Assistant Director, European and International Energy Efficiency, Department of Energy and Climate Change (9th February 2009) PDF: uploaded on 4 March 2009
Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords 2 February 2009 Sub-Committee B - One-off evidence session on Single European Skies II
    Corrected Oral Evidence given by Mr Jim Fitzpatrick MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State; Mr Francis Morgan, Head of International Aviation and Safety Division; Mr Gabriel Hammond, Policy and Technical Advisor, Rail Standards & Safety Division; and Mr Phil Carey, Head of Road Pricing and Statistics Directorate, Department for Transport PDF: uploaded on 4 March 2009
Sub-Committee C - Foreign Affairs, Defence and Development Policy
Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords 21 May 2009 Current Themes in EU Development Co-operation
    Corrected Oral Evidence given by Mr Gareth Thomas, MP, Dr Tamsyn Barton and Mr Marcus Manuel:PDF uploaded on 16 June 2009
Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords 11 December 2008 Current Developments in European Defence Policy
    Corrected Oral Evidence given by Rt Hon Baroness Taylor of Bolton, PC, Minister for International Defence and Security, Mr Andrew Mathewson, Director for Policy on International Organisations, and Mr Ian Hall, Head of International Research Collaboration, Ministry of Defence (11 December 2008)PDF: uploaded on 4 February 2009
Sub-Committee D - Environment and Agriculture
Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords 10 December 2008 Pesticides Regulation, and TACS and Quotas for 2009
    Corrected Oral Evidence given by Huw Irranca-Davies MP, Mr. Mark Hawkins and Mr. Paul Dolder (10 December 2008) PDF: uploaded on 21 January 2009
Sub-Committee G - Social Policy and Consumer Affairs
Red L indicates Committees in the House of Lords 12 March 2009 The Commission's Proposal for a Directive amending the "Pregnant Workers Directive"
    Corrected Oral Evidence given by Rt Hon Pat McFadden MP, BERR, Ms Julie McLynchy, BERR and Ms Alison Scott, DWPPDF: uploaded on 26 March 2009
Progress of Scrutiny

* 29 July 2009 Progress of Scrutiny dated 21 July 2009

HL 12    Click here to order this title
* 13 June 2009 Progress of Scrutiny dated 10 June 2009

HL 11    Click here to order this title
* 26 June 2009 Progress of Scrutiny dated 26 June 2009

HL 10    Click here to order this title
* 17 June 2009 Progress of Scrutiny dated 12 June 2009

HL 9    Click here to order this title
* 22 May 2009 Progress of Scrutiny dated 21 May 2009

HL 8    Click here to order this title
* 7 May 2009 Progress of Scrutiny dated 1 May 2009

HL 7    Click here to order this title
* 8 April 2009 Progress of Scrutiny dated 3 April 2009

HL 6    Click here to order this title
* 23 March 2009 Progress of Scrutiny dated 20 March 2009

HL 5    Click here to order this title
* 6 March 2009 Progress of Scrutiny dated 6 March 2009

HL 4    Click here to order this title
* 13 February 2009 Progress of Scrutiny dated 12 February 2009

HL 3    Click here to order this title
* 28 January 2009 Progress of Scrutiny dated 23 January 2009

HL 2    Click here to order this title
* 22 December 2008 Progress of Scrutiny dated 19 December 2008

HL 1    Click here to order this title
 Session 2007-2008

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