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Session 2005-06

Oral and Written Evidence

*02 November 2006Seventh ReportHumanitarian response to natural disasters
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HC 1188-IPurchase this title
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*25 October 2006Sixth ReportConflict and Development: Peacebuilding and Post-conflict Reconstruction
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HC 923-IPurchase this title
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*16 October 2006Fourth Special ReportPrivate Sector Development: Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 2005-06
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HC 1629Purchase this title
*3 August 2006Fifth Report/First Joint ReportStrategic Export Controls: Annual Report for 2004, Quarterly Reports for 2005, Licensing Policy and Parliamentary Scrutiny
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HC 873Purchase this title
Click here to view the Government's response to the First Joint Report from the Quadripartite Committee on Strategic Export Controls: Annual Report for 2004, Quarterly Reports for 2005, Licensing Policy and Parliamentary Scrutiny
*23 July 2006Fourth ReportPrivate Sector Development
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HC 921-IPurchase this title
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*6 July 2006Third Special ReportThe WTO Hong Kong Ministerial and the Doha Development Agenda: Government Response to the Committee's Third Report of Session 2005–06
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HC 1425Purchase this title
*27 April 2006Third ReportThe WTO Hong Kong Ministerial and the Doha Development Agenda
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HC 730-IPurchase this title
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*30 March 2006Second Special ReportDarfur: The killing continues: Government Response to the Committee's Second Report of Session 2005–06
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HC 1017Purchase this title
*14 March 2006First Special ReportDelivering the goods: HIV/AIDS and the provision of anti–retrovirals: Government Response to the Committee's First Report of Session 2005–06
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HC 922Purchase this title
*26 January 2006Second ReportDarfur: The killing continues
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HC 657Purchase this title
*1 December 2005First ReportDelivering the goods: HIV/AIDS and the provision of anti-retrovirals
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HC 708Purchase this title
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HC 708-IIPurchase this title

Oral and Written Evidence

*19 October 2006 The Autumn Meetings of the World Bank and the IMF
Oral and Written Evidence given by Mr Jeff Powell, Coordinator, Bretton Woods Project and Ms Olivia McDonald, Senior Policy Officer, Christian Aid; Rt Hon Hilary Benn, a Member of the House, Secretary of State for International Development, Mr Mark Lowcock, Director General, Policy and International, Department for International Development and Mr Mark Bowman, Director, International Finance, HM Treasury: uploaded on 20 December 2006

HC 1622    Purchase this title
*20 March 2006DFID's Annual Report
Government Response to the International Development Committee's questions on DFID's Departmental Annual Report 2005: uploaded on 5 April 2006

HC 998
*13 December 2005Reconstructing Afghanistan
Oral Evidence given by Mr Nick Grono, Vice President (Advocacy and Operations), International Crisis Group, and Ms Elizabeth Winter, British Agencies Afghanistan Group; Mr John Gordon, Deputy Head, DFID Afghanistan and Senior Programme Manager for Rural Livelihoods, Mr Richard Codrington, Head of Afghan Group, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and Mr Peter Holland, Head of the Afghan Drugs Inter-Departmental Unit
Written Evidence: published on 23 March 2006

HC 772-i    Purchase this title
*6 December 2005EU Development Cooperation and External Relations Policy
Oral Evidence given by Mr Patrick Child, Head of Cabinet to Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Mr Koos Richelle, Director General, EuropeAid Co-operation Office, European Commission: Mr Bernard Petit, Director of Development Policy and Sectoral Questions, and Mr Giorgio Cocchi, Adviser, Pan-African and Horizontal Geographical Issues, Directorate-General for Development, European Commission: published on 23 March 2006

HC 745    Purchase this title
*25 October/19 July 2005Making Poverty History? The Promises of Gleneagles
Oral Evidence given on 25th October 2005 by Mr Matt Philips, Make Poverty History campaign, Head of Public Affairs, Save the Children, Mr Patrick Watt, UK Aid Network, Senior Policy Officer, ActionAid, Mr Simon Wright, Stop AIDS Campaign, Head of HIV/AIDS team, ActionAid, Mr Peter Hardstaff, Trade Justice Movement, Head of Policy, World Development Movement, Mr Stephen Rand, Co-Chairman, Jubilee Debt Campaign: published on 17 January 2006

HC 418-ii
Oral Evidence given on 19th July 2005 by Rt Hon Hilary Benn, a Member of the House, Secretary of State for International Development, Mr Graham Stegmann, Director, 2005 Unit, DFID, and Ms Melanie Speight, Policy Analyst, 2005 Unit, DFID: published on 17 January 2006

HC 418-i
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*18 October 2005The Autumn Meetings of the IMF and the World Bank and the UN World Summit 2005
Oral Evidence given by Mr Jeff Powell, Coordinator, Bretton Woods Project, and Mr Simon Counsell, Director, the Rainforest Foundation UK; and, Rt Hon Hilary Benn, a Member of the House, Secretary of State for International Development; Mr Stephen Pickford, CB, Director of International Finance, HM Treasury; Mr Gavin McGillivray, Head, International Financial Institutions Department, DFID and Mr Graham Stegmann, Director 2005 Unit, DFID: published on 17 January 2006

Written Evidence
HC 569-i
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Session 2004-05
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