Defence - Ninth Report
Here you can browse the report together with the Proceedings of the Committee. The published report was ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 4 March 2008.
Terms of Reference
NATO members and applicant countries
Members of NATO and the European Union
1 Introduction
The NATO Summit at Bucharest
The results of the Riga Summit
The UK's priorities at Bucharest
Our inquiry
2 NATO's role and relevance in the 21st
The Bucharest Summit and the role of
the Alliance
The evolution of NATO's role and purpose
The end of the Cold War and its implications
for NATO
St Malo and the origins of ESDP
The impact of September 11 and the war in
A global versus a regional role
Uncertainty about the current role and purpose
The need for a new Strategic Concept
NATO and the United States
NATO and the UK's national interests
3 Afghanistan and the future of NATO
Afghanistan and the Bucharest Summit
The NATO mission in Afghanistan
ISAF troop numbers and structure
The purpose of the ISAF mission
Force generation in Afghanistan
National caveats
Afghanistan and the future of Alliance military
4 NATO capabilities
NATO capabilities and the Bucharest Summit
The development of NATO capabilities
NATO's principal capability shortfalls
Political will and Alliance capabilities
The NATO Response Force
The role of Allied Command Transformation
Defence spending and the future of NATO
5 NATO enlargement
Enlargement and the Bucharest Summit
Previous enlargements
The prospects for further enlargement
Albania, Croatia and Macedonia
The future of the Alliance's open door policy
NATO Partnerships
6 NATO and the European Security and Defence
The development of the European Security
and Defence Policy
The European Security Strategy
EU operations
Capability development
EU Battlegroups
The European Defence Agency
The relationship between NATO and the EU
The Lisbon Treaty and the future of NATO
and European defence
The implications of permanent structured
The implications of the Lisbon Treaty for
Conclusions and recommendations
Annex A: List of abbreviations
Annex B: Committee visits
Annex C: NATO members and partner countries
Annex D: Defence spending by NATO and EU
member states
Annex E: Text of the North Atlantic Treaty,
4 April 1949
Formal minutes
List of written evidence
List of Reports from the Committee during
the current Parliament
Oral and Written Evidence
19 June 2007
9 October 2007
20 November 2007
8 January 2008
Written Evidence