Science and Technology - Sixth Report
Here you can browse the report which was ordered by the House of Lords to be printed 24 July 2007.
Terms of Reference
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: The Nature of Allergy
Allergic mechanisms: atopic (IgE-mediated)
Allergic mechanisms: non-atopic (non-IgE-mediated)
Figure 1: Schematic representation of the
main mechanisms of allergies and their diseases
The range of allergic disorders.
Table 1: Categories of disease related to
Figure 2: Why asthma makes it hard to breathe
Box 1: The genetics of allergy and asthma
The progression of allergic disorders.
Chapter 3: Data Collection
Data collection problems.
Clinical services.
Sources of information and classification
Occupational allergic disorders.
Chapter 4: The Extent and Burden of Allergy
in the United Kingdom
Table 2: Useful sources of data on allergy
The prevalence of allergy in the last
50 years.
Allergic rhinitis.
Allergy to insect venom.
Drug allergy.
Food allergy.
Oral allergy syndrome.
Urticaria and angioedema.
Atopic dermatitis (atopic eczema).
Multiple allergies.
Sensitisation and allergy symptoms.
International comparisons.
Possible explanations for the increase in
The hygiene hypothesis.
Allergen exposure.
Atmospheric pollution.
Tobacco smoke.
The allergy burden.
The patient burden.
Quality of life.
Box 2: Asthma and its impacts
Allergy at school.
Allergy at work.
Table 3: Diseases commonly caused by workplace
chemical or biological allergens
The national burden.
National Health Service.
Occupational allergic diseases.
Chapter 5: Allergy and Our Environment
The indoor environment.
The role of the indoor environment in allergic
Regulation of the indoor environment.
The outdoor environment.
Allergy and outdoor pollutants.
Table 4: Outdoor pollutants and their impact
upon allergy
Allergy and climate change.
Allergy in the school environment.
Allergy in the workplace.
The causes of occupational allergic diseases.
Strategies to prevent occupational allergic
Managing occupational allergic diseases.
Chapter 6: Public Advice and Information
Cosmetics and hypoallergenic products.
Eating out with a food allergy.
Educating food allergic consumers.
Managing the indoor environment.
The role of Government and charities.
The role of Government.
The development of food allergies.
The role of charities.
Chapter 7: Research
Research strategies in the United Kingdom.
Chapter 8: Different Patterns of Management
Immunotherapy .
Adrenaline autoinjectors.
Anti-IgE therapy.
NHS Direct.
The role of pharmacists.
Complementary medicine.
Regulation of complementary medicine and
self-testing kits.
Chapter 9: Allergy Services
Primary care.
Secondary and tertiary care.
The treatment of children.
The treatment of drug and occupational allergies.
The need for further education and training.
Primary care.
Secondary and tertiary care.
The role of the Allergy Centre.
Figure 3: The proposed Allergy Centre
Chapter 10: Summary of Recommendations
Allergy centres.
Professional education.
Research and product development.
Further recommendations.
Monitoring allergy.
The air we breathe.
Information for consumers.
Advice for allergy sufferers.
Evaluation of complementary techniques.
Appendix 1: Members and Declarations of Interest
Appendix 2: Witnesses
Appendix 3: Call for Evidence
Appendix 4: Seminar held at The Royal Society of Medicine
Appendix 5: Visit to the MRC-Asthma UK Centre in Allergic Mechanisms of Asthma, Evelina Children's Hospital
Appendix 6: Visit to Berlin and Munich, Germany
Appendix 7: Visit to Allergy Therapeutics, Worthing
Appendix 8: Visit to Odense and Copenhagen, Denmark
Appendix 9: Visit to the Allergy Clinic, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge
Appendix 10: Acronyms and Glossary
Recent Reports from the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee
List of Oral Evidences
22 November 2006
6 December 2006
18 December 2006
10 January 2007
17 January 2007
31 January 2007
7 February 2007
21 February 2007
28 February 2007
7 March 2007
15 March 2007
18 April 2007
The Report of the Committee is published in Volume
I, HL Paper No 166-I.
The Evidence of the Committee is published in Volume
II, HL Paper No 166-II.
Reference in the text of the Report as follows:
(para) refers to a paragraph in the Report
(Q) refers to a question in oral evidence
(p) refers to a page of written evidence