Defence - Fourteenth Report
Here you can browse the report together with the Proceedings of the Committee. The published report was ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 15 July 2008.
Terms of Reference
1 Introduction
Previous work by the Committee
Previous work by other organisations
Conduct of the inquiry
2 Recruitment and Retention overview
Defence Planning Assumptions
Assessing recruitment and retention performance
Gains to the trained strength
Manning balance
Voluntary outflow
Harmony Guidelines
Pinchpoint trades
Assessing Armed Forces responsiveness
Peacetime readiness levels
Ability to generate from peacetime readiness
to immediate readiness
Ability to deploy, sustain and recover force
3 Recruitment
Working with schools to raise awareness of
the Armed Forces
Recruiting environment
Recruiting campaigns and resources
Recruiting and schools
Educational incentives
4 Retention
Regular Forces' retention challenges:
conditions of service and welfare
Impact on family and personal life
Welfare provision
Pay and allowances
Regular Forces retention challenges: organisational
and structural issues
Retirement age
Efficiency and Change programmes
Volunteer Reserve Forces retention challenges
Supporting Volunteer Reservists
The role of employers
The Military Covenant
Representing Armed Forces Personnel
Conclusions and recommendations
Annex A: List of Abbreviations
Annex B: The Committee's web forum
Formal minutes
List of written evidence
List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament
Oral and Written Evidence
Tuesday 25 March 2008
Tuesday 1 April 2008
Tuesday 22 April 2008
Tuesday 20 May 2008
Written Evidence